with the pursuit of being a human

August 6, 2013



kramer has decided he is no longer a dog but instead a little man. i mean really, he was never a dog with all his human-like personality traits and all, but lately he has taken things to a whole new level. i’ve noticed kramer watching us very closely recently … always keeping an eye on us … like he is really trying to pay attention to what and why we are doing each little thing, then, without much notice or reason he will decide it is high time that he do it too. just the other morning while still waking up he came up from the bottom of the bed, took one look at camden who, might i add, sleeps with his head tucked between two pillows to block out the morning light, and stuck his sweet head in between those pillows right along with him. if he keeps this behavior up much longer he’ll be cleaning and cooking in no time … one can hope anyway. 
have any fun/funny pet stories of your own?? would love to hear them if you do! 

23 thoughts on “with the pursuit of being a human

  1. Emma Jane

    Oh this is the sweetest little thing I have ever read. Those pictures are killer! My dogs do the same thing. My little Lexi sleeps under the covers with me every single night, her head right next to me on the pillow. Dogs are quite simply the best.

    Tightrope to the Sun

    1. admin Post author

      I haven't but my good friend also recommended that I read it .. I'm mentally preparing my self first though … I hear it's a tearjerker! Thanks so much:)

      xoxo, Sara


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