what i love about me {sneak preview}

June 18, 2013


what i like
what i like 2
what i like 1
what i like 3
what i like 6
what i like 4
*a guest post i wrote for chantilly that will be posted over on her blog july 17th

when chantilly asked me to write this post i thought it was such a brilliant idea, but the more i thought about what i would actually say the more stumped i became. it isn’t that there aren’t things about myself i do love but then again, the things i love about me isn’t exactly a topic i usually put a lot of thought into.

like many little girls growing up, i was constantly told all the things i was good at or that i was beautiful or things such as how much i resembled a princess … however, as i grew, i started to compare myself to others and began to let hurtful things said affect who i thought i was, resulting in a lowered self-esteem, and like most of us, started focusing my thoughts on the negative rather than the positive parts of me.

so after considering just asking camden to give me something he loved about me, i finally decided on one thing i do love about myself and that is the ability to easily forgive. i have never been one to hold grudges and have always been able to forgive others whether it be something small and petty or something heavy and relationship threatening. honestly, i have a hard time holding onto grudges even if the other hasn’t apologized. it’s just something that has always come easy, and this friends, is what i love about me.

p.s. you can see more posts in this series, what i love about me, by clicking here and see this post on chanitlly’s blog july 17. 

i wore: shirt, anthropologie // skirt, u.o. // shoes, report // purse, vintage coach 

25 thoughts on “what i love about me {sneak preview}

  1. AhoyNative

    That's me too. As much as I might try to hold a grudge, I cannot. Even if I feel I have the right to be mad about something.

    Also, you are making me want to chop all of my hair off, you're so cute!

  2. Sarah Beth

    I love this idea, and I can only imagine how hard it would really be to sit and write a post like that. Beautiful <3


  3. Jessica Wray

    I can't wait to check out this series on her blog. such a great idea. all too often to we forget the things we really do love ourselves because they're shadowed by our insecurities.

    also, can I list one thing I love about you… that dress your wearing.

  4. Flora Amies

    This is a really nice idea. I suspect we spend lots of our time thinking what things we DON'T love about ourselves, or what things we want to improve or work on. Its a good idea to take some time to appreciate and acknowledge the things we DO love about ourselves.Brilliant idea. I'll have a look on the rest of the series.

    Ps have you had a haircut? It looks gorgeous!


  5. bridget anne

    that's a really, really wonderful — & rare — trait to have, sara. hold onto that, and always cherish that part about yourself. : )

    also, your new 'do is killing me with cuteness!

  6. Annabelle

    I cannot get over your hair and how adorable it is! I've been growing mine out like crazy and you just make me want to cut it. This is my favorite hair on you 🙂 So classy!

    And your post gave me inspiration to write one as well. We need more of this in girlworld.


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