weekend brunch

February 11, 2013


wkend brunch

our brunch this week consisted of delicious baked eggs in ramekins as well as one of my all-time favorite things from childhood, english muffin toast with butter and jam. i saw these baked eggs on pinterest a little bit agoย and couldnโ€™t stop thinking about them all week (that pinterest sure is a dangerous place). ours didnโ€™t turn out nearly as beautiful but they tasted wonderful nonetheless. click here for the recipe if you would like to try them too! hope you all had great weekends . . .

29 thoughts on “weekend brunch

  1. Monica

    I've never tried baked eggs but every time I see them in pictures, they look divine. The flowers are beautiful, and they remind me that spring is right around the corner!

  2. E R I N

    im a 'new regular' to your gorgeous blog….. this little brunchy eggy treat looked so perfect, i've already forwarded it to my egg lovin friends here in Australia!! thank you for sharing a little bit of everything in your world, its a treat to dive in and check for updates every few days =)

    xx erin

  3. Sarah Beth

    This little brunch looks not only delicious but so amazing fun as well. I'm always wishing I had the space/time to have little tea parties or dinners with friends but never seem to actually get around to do it.
    And that jug and mugs are so adorable, love the colors and patterns!


  4. Yelle

    I haven't had english muffins in so long! I used to eat them all the time growing up, but rarely keep them in the house these days. They are so yummy!


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