weekend brunch

April 11, 2013



i know this really isn’t traditionally a brunch food, but i had been craving tapioca pudding all week. it’s one of those foods i’ve grown up loving and love it i still do. we sprinkled our pudding tops with a little cinnamon to change things up a bit and sliced into some juicy grapefruit we had bought at whole foods the day before … you know, so we felt like we were being slightly healthy … even if it was just slightly.  

19 thoughts on “weekend brunch

  1. Milynn {Love + Whimsy}

    mmm! I haven't had tapioca pudding in so long and now I'm craving it.
    Gosh, I should've balanced my weekend breakfast (of donuts) with something healthy too! 🙂 I definitely would've felt less guilty about it!

    1. admin Post author

      The recipe was actually just on the back of the box of the tapioca I bought.

      The recipe on the box says:
      1/3 cup of sugar
      3 Tablespoons of Tapioca
      2-3/4 cups milk
      1 egg, well beaten
      1 tsp. vanilla

      Mix sugar, tapioca, milk, and egg in medium saucepan; let stand for 5 min.
      Cook on medium heat, stirring constantly, until mixture comes to a full boil.
      Remove from heat, add vanilla. Let cool for 20 min, serve warm or chilled.

      Hope this helps! xo, Sara

  2. Erin

    Your photography has really become beautiful. I love that even the small things look important and beautiful on your blog. It's so charming.


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