week 36, day 253

May 26, 2014


36 weeks - 4
36 weeks - 6
36 weeks - 3
36 weeks - 7
36 weeks - 5
36 weeks - 9
36 weeks -2
36 weeks - 8
36 weeks -1
dress, free people // shirt, anthropologie // pants, gap maternity // shoes, vince // purse, vintage coach // hat, urban outfitters 

five things i will miss about being pregnant:
– feeling little kicks within my tummy throughout the day
– random strangers commenting on how amazing i look (this never happened to me before i was pregnant)
– people offering up their seat in restaurants
– voluntary back rubs from camden
– that special bond between mother and baby that nobody else around yet understands

and … five things i won’t:
– pregnancy clothes
– swollen joints, legs, feet, and ankles
– eliminating certain foods … mostly sushi …. oh how i want some sushi soooo bad!
– moving as slow as a turtle
– feeling incapable of completing certain tasks and projects i want to get done and always relying on others for help

22 thoughts on “week 36, day 253

  1. Amber Love

    You look gorgeous 🙂 ah feeling the baby kick must be so comforting – I can only imagine but I guess pregnant women feel less lonely than others as you always have that little companion with you! xo

  2. Kamilė

    You really do look great!
    Being pregnant is the most important project of all! I think relying on someone for other tasks just doesn't matter.
    I hope everything is going great!


  3. Jessica L

    Yes, you do look amazing, and I love how unique your "maternity" wear is! I would wear that right now! Congrats again- can't remember if I did say it before since I don't comment on here very often. -Jess L

  4. casey

    I missed sushi so bad as well! And I REALLY missed shaving my legs adequately, and painting my toes (although that can be easily remedied 🙂 Enjoy the last moments!


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