wednesday giveaway (closed)

May 9, 2012


hey you guys, look at those yummy treats! megan from the blog noisette is a culinary artist who creates those gourmet delicious treats, all from scratch – and guess what!? she is offering one lucky reader the chance to win two dozen macaroons and a bag of homemade marshmallows which are perfect for those summer campfires roasting marshmallow and making s’mores. all you have to do is go check out her darling blog by clicking here and follow along, then leave a comment telling me what flavor you would like of each, skies the limit! for an extra entry make sure you are a follower of this blog also. for all you utah residents: megan will be at the beehive bazaar in provo may 11th – 12th so make sure you go say hi! the winner will be chosen randomly next wednesday so make sure to enter!

the winner of this giveaway is:
congratulations annazed, be sure to send me an email!

89 thoughts on “wednesday giveaway (closed)

  1. Leslie Galloway

    I would pick:
    Cherry Buttercream Macaroons; and milk chocolate marshmallows.

    Follow noisette 2 ways:
    GFC as Twitter User @GallowayLeslie
    & Via email: Leslie Galloway (LesGalloway //at// hotmail //dot// com)

  2. Brn2lisn

    I follow both blogs via GFC (Brn2lisn)

    Theses are making me drool – so yummy looking! How about Snickers Macaroons, and Blueberry Marshmallows! (can we sneak some of Grandma's Fudgy Brownie's in there??? Saw a picture and read about them on her blog, they made my mouth drool too — I have the recipe now (thanks for posting that) I'm going to try it out but sure they will not taste like hers)

    brn2lisn {AT} gmail [dot] com

  3. Daryl

    I would love lemon marshmallows!

    Also if possible I'd love to get assorted macaroons as I like lots of different flavors, but if I had to pick one it would be chocolate mint! or chocolate raspberry? Or Rasberry mint?

  4. AnnaZed

    Pistachio Macaroons and vanilla Marshmallows (what could be more divine!)

    I am following her on this email: margueritecore [at] gmail [dot] com

    Isn't that Lego cake amazing!

  5. AnnaZed

    BTW I am following you now too. More like stalking really; on GFC as 'Marguerite' and via email to: margueritecore [at] gmail [dot] com

  6. Parangi

    Yum…I can't believe this contest is for the teo things I've been craving for…I hope it's a sign that I'm gonna win or I just might go insane

  7. rahma_nurcahaya

    This is a giveaway that the appetite. Great 🙂

    follow your blog. Done! Because I want to taste your cooking, sister. I like Chocolate raspberry macaroons and vanilla marshmallows. Yummmyy… 😀
    Hope I win : send me email 😀


  8. Yvonne Woodstock

    I am following you both on GFC as YVONNE WOODSTOCK.
    I'd especially love a little variety sampler of flavors of the macarons as well as of the marshmallows but if I could only pick one flavor of each I would want the
    White Chocolate Raspberry Macarons
    Sea Salt Caramel Marshmallow or milk chocolate or vanilla lol ohhhh its so hard to narrow it down!


  9. Serenap95

    I am following her blog. It is very thoughtful of you both to hold this giveaway. If it was possible, I would love an assortment of macaroons. I've never had them, but have been wanting to forever. As for marshmallows, I can't have them because of gelatin. However, my sister said she would love to try orange creamsicle or white chocolate marshmallows.


  10. FromFurrin

    Follow Noisette's blog via GFC (From Furrin) and email. Would love Vanilla marshmallows and perhaps chocolate mint or chocolate coconut macaroons.


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