the finally completed bathroom

March 25, 2013


as i put the final touches on this bathroom makeover saturday afternoon (the final five hour touches), i came to realize just how large this “little” project had really become to be.  like always, this was no small project. however, this is not to say that i, no, we are not extremely pleased with the room’s new look. looking back now, i really wish i would have taken before pictures to show you just how bad she really was. the paint alone made a huge difference. having all the walls and ceiling white really expands the room and makes it feel ten times larger. i’m also extremely happy with the total cost of our newly renewed space. honestly, i wasn’t looking to spend much. sure, if this was “our” home i may have invested more in high quality pieces or a new bathtub to say the least, but because we are renting and because this space isn’t ours, is exactly why i didn’t want to dump loads into a bathroom that won’t be ours forever. i wanted to make sure that the things i was putting in were things we could take with us when we moved or at least things we would be fine with leaving behind. – and i think i accomplished that. although i am over the moon happy with how she looks, i, in the end spent only a little less than $150 on everything and ninety percent off that can come with us when we leave (which is hopefully not soon!). so here, in all her glory, she is … enjoy.

38 thoughts on “the finally completed bathroom

  1. Anoushka

    storing hair appliances is difficult! the instructions always say not to wrap the cord around the appliance but really that is the most efficient way. i like your woven bag for them definitely keeps them tidy. it's nice to keep a bathroom simple/clean with a few accents.

  2. Chloe

    where is that great lighting fixture from? looks awesome! I'm moving into a place with a bathroom that leaves much to be desired, so i'll be doing a project like this before long…

    1. admin Post author

      I found the light at West Elm then painted it copper with copper leaf (it was originally white). Thank you and good luck!

      xoxo Sara

    1. admin Post author

      I actually don't know, I found them at the grocery store one day. I'll try and find out and let you know though 🙂
      Thank you!

  3. bridget anne

    i'm seriously impressed. i love all the simple details — it makes it all feel so simple & neat & open. a bathroom should always feel relaxing when you enter it…but i agree, sometimes they are the darn hardest to style. our bathroom has been driving me up a wall too…the main issue is that there's no built-in cabinetry at all, and not really anywhere to put it as it's both very narrow & has a crooked floor. yikes!

  4. Sara Marie

    Will you come help me decorate my apartment? You and I have very similar tastes, but unlike you, I never know where to start in order to get the redecorating ball rolling. The space looks lovely. I love your entire apartment! You must have an awesome landlord!

    sunny blonde studio

    1. admin Post author

      The light is from West Elm. It was originally white and I painted it copper with copper leaf paint. The mirror was $15.00 from Ikea:) Thanks so much!!


  5. becca

    the copper light fixture really made the whole space. gorgeous! and so inventive.
    it's true that you have to get creative when renting. thanks for the inspiration!


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