the aftermath of noisy neighbors

March 16, 2014



we have these neighbors above us who haven’t figured out how to live quietly especially late into the night. we’ve talked to them twice, knocked on the ceiling quite a few times, complained to our landlord once, and still have had a few sleepless nights. last night at two-thirty in the morning they woke us up with their shenanigans yet again. it doesn’t help either that their bedroom is right above ours. after hoping they would finally be quiet for about two hours, camden had the brilliant idea of blowing up our air mattress in the living room in hope that the noise would at least not be directly above us and would hopefully be quiet enough to get some sleep. not wanting to awaken our senses too much, we quickly made a bed on the floor using only a flashlight to see. thankfully … it worked. we were able to sleep the rest of the night until the sun came up and shined through the windows this morning. honestly, we both really hope they move soon. however, just in case, we’re planing on getting some ear plugs on our grocery trip this afternoon.  

20 thoughts on “the aftermath of noisy neighbors

  1. Tori's Tales

    These photos are gorgeous, though I'm sorry they are born from what sounds like a rough time! We, too, have nosey neighbours (above, next to, and below us – or rather, outside and below us; we had a rather large group of intoxicated youths shout all sorts at 5am this morning, fun!) and it's a struggle to deal with, especially when you are as light a sleeper as I am! I do hope that you an excuse yourself from the living room bed tonight and retreat to your permanent one, with earplugs and dreams in tow!

  2. Julie

    Great pictures. You have such a great eye for capturing a mood……I bought a white noise machine at Bed Bath and Beyond that has been helpful enough that I ditched the earplugs. You cand adjust the treble and bass on it and there are 4 different sounds. It's by Homedics and called Deep Sleep. Just another idea. Good luck!

  3. Kristen @ HI + LO

    That's so inconsiderate of your neighbors, but a very good idea on your part to camp out in the living room. Still, you shouldn't have to inconvenience yourself like that. Hopefully they get themselves together soon!

  4. Rosie W

    Noisy neighbours are the worst. We had new ones move in next door over Christmas, and they spent every spare morning drilling and sanding. Over the whole few weeks I had off, there was not one day I was able to lie in! Glad you did get some rest though, and love these photos 🙂

  5. MJ Rojas

    I can totally relate to this, I have noisy neighbours too above and next to me. The one above is a single guy that likes to have parties until 5am (fun nights) and the one next to us has two small children that have had NO bedtime. They are literally up past 11pm. Thankfully I have noticed some changes in that they are going to bed early, but that might have to do with the situation we're living in Chacao right now (I live in Caracas, Venezuela)

    In any case, I hope you find some sound sleep soon and that they move out or learn to keep it quiet!


  6. Marine

    We have noisy neighbors too… although we're on the top floor, the family that lives next door has four young children who frequently use the hallway as their playground, and they often leave their front door open so that the rest of us can hear everything that goes on in their apartment. Downstairs we have two neighbors with dogs who have barking fights through their walls… this hasn't led to sleepless nights, but it has led to many early mornings and having to have the tv or radio on throughout most of the day. And here we thought we were moving into a quiet apartment complex!

  7. Lori

    Well I can relate, also. My upstairs neighbors slam doors, argue loudly on their balcony, stomp on the floor, drops what sounds like bowling balls all hours of the day and night, crank their stereo, then their dog barks non stop when they leave. I too have spoken to them numerous times, spoken to the landlord who just tells me to call the cops. Unfortunately, they just moved in less than 2 months ago so they've still got a long way to go on their lease. Moving is not an option for us right now as money is tight. I hope you get some peace very soon.

  8. Kari

    Man, that sucks your neighbors are so noisy! Why can’t people be polite? Hopefully the ear plugs will help. Have you tried using a sound machine or fan to drown out the noise, too? There’s a great app called Sleep Machine that I think is free. I use it every night. Hope tonight goes better!

  9. Sydney

    Before we bought our current house, we rented another house that had a neighbor who neglected his dogs (he had several) and they would bark all night long at times, probably asking for food or drink. It was terrible!! I have a rare form of reactive arthritis and MS so my sleep is sooooo important to me. I still can't stand hearing incessantly barking dogs to this day because of that! Best of luck with that situation, they have some sleep aides for babies out there that drone out noises for the baby to sleep, perhaps buy one early and see if it helps you out??

  10. Jes Cohen

    Great pictures, but you shouldn't have to move because of them, nor should you have to wear uncomfortable ear plugs whilst you're sleeping. It's really unfair.

    I don't know about where you live, but where I live, it's law music or any noise for that matter has to be turned down before 12:00 AM on a weekend.

    Hopefully they do move, for your sake!

    Jes | Naturally Jes

  11. Welcome Home Taylor

    That is really frustrating and one of the very big downfalls of having an apartment. Luckily, all our neighbors are relatively quiet. And the only time they're not is when we're just about to fall asleep and they end up yelling and pounding their feet up the stairs right next to our room. It's not too bad though and they're definitely not as bad as your neighbors. I hope that they learn their manners soon!


  12. sonya

    Sorry that sounds so frustrating, I have a small son and to my single neighbor I am the noisy neighbor, but I never mean to be most of the time its my son and its hard to control. They will understand they noise when your baby comes.


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