spring fever

February 20, 2013


spring fever

i have been longing for spring the last few weeks, especially with the overly harsh winter we’ve been having this year. this past weekend i added a few indoor plants to help mimic the feeling of spring until it actually gets here. okay, it’s no secret i don’t have the greenest of thumbs so i always try and pick plants that are supposed to be harder to do away with. fingers crossed i can keep these sweet little guys alive, so far so good! the house is now filled with reminders of spring and just in time for yet another winter storm arriving tonight and supposedly gracing us with it’s presence off and on throughout the weekend . . oh joy!   

19 thoughts on “spring fever

  1. inbetweenidols

    I have the same little red flowered cactus in my room! My boy and I got matching cacti (his has an orange flower, though) and, let me tell you, those things are resilient! My room doesn't get much sunlight and I always forget to water them but they are both beautiful as ever 🙂

    Lauren at inbetweenidols.blogspot.com

  2. Stephanie

    I'm currently thrifting for vintage tins for a garden of cacti and succulents on my windowsill. your plants are beautiful! sometimes all our homes need is a little pop of green.

  3. bridget anne

    love your little cacti collection — they look so pretty sitting altogether. i just hit that wall, too, where i really start to hate (hate, hate) the bitter winter cold. this is only my second winter in denver, but there seems to be a pattern with february just being bloody awful. i can't wait to shed at least one or two of these wooly layers!

  4. Anh | Feminine 23

    Aww lovely. I've been addicted to bring green to home too. they make living space more lively and fresh. But it's hard to do it in winter, but spring definitely is the right time to dwell green 😀


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