it was one of those harder than normal nights as new parents. jude had gotten his two month vaccinations the day before making his legs sore and giving him a bit of a fever. he was unusually fussy and wanted to constantly nurse for comfort. we were all sitting on the couch, i had just had my first shower in four days, we were trying to get baby jude settled and down for the night, when he did the biggest projectile spit-up all over himself and me. i mean this thing came out the mouth, the nose, and we were both completly soaked. feeling completely defeated, we reluctently decided to quickly throw baby jude into the puj tub before bed, knowing that this probably wouldn’t make his current fussiness any better as he still hadn’t come around to the whole idea of a bath. however, to our surprise, as soon as we undressed the little guy and stuck him in his tub in the sink, his whole disposition changed. he became playful and smiley. he kicked the warmth with his wiggly toes and cooed at the running water coming out of the faucet. it suddenly made the entire night worth it. camden hurried and grabbed the camera to capture these photos before we were sure his giggles would soon turn to tears … but miraculously they didn’t. that smile stayed on his face all the way until he fell asleep for the night. as exhausted new parents, we couldn’t have been happier.

His smile is contagious. I love how happy he looks, sometimes I think that after spitting up or pooping on parents babies get some sort of a content feeling – like they're proud of themselves. In reality they don't know what they're doing but I image that being a baby is boring and the only fun you can have involves staring into space googly-eyed and spitting up on everything around you. (:
That is just so sweet. He is such a cute little thing!
the clover field
Oh, this is so sweet. His eyes! His eyes are bright and happy. Beautiful photos! xxo
I can't imagine what it will be like having my first child, but wow. These moments would surely mean a lot to you and Camden. Jude is beautiful.
My gosh that smile!!! He's a real treasure and those big bright eyes are already filled with curiosity, so beautiful!!
He's just so gorgeous! Soak up those tiny one days, they pass by so fast!!!
awe what a cutiepie!
This is wayyy too cute!! You're so lucky 🙂
That second picture! To die for!
Awe! He looks so happy! I would have never guessed how uncomfortable he was before these photos. What a relief though.
haha he is the cutest! makes the hard times worth it i'd imagine.
He is such a photogenic lil baby! Bless him :') xo
Oh my goodness <3<3
Haha baby jude is sooo cute !!!!!
He looks so happy !!