juder-bug is such a funny, smiley boy. he is still a particular little man and makes us laugh daily. jude is also still a very small babe. although he has done some growing length wise and is now in the fiftieth percentile for height (yay, jude!), he is only in the second percentile for his weight. however, our doctor is not worried and thinks he is as healthy as ever. he loves chewing everything and we are pretty sure a tooth may be popping out of those gums any day now. he is getting good at sitting up and can do so for a good amount of time until he sees something he really wants (which is pretty much everything) and tries his hardest to crawl after it. he loves being bounced so much. if he is being carried he will continuously move his legs up and down until he is being bounced at the pace he wants. his favorite thing to eat is organic rice cereal with baby pears mixed in. he smiles with his entire face including his eyes. his smile seriously takes up his whole face. his nick names are: “juder-bug” because he never stops moving, “turtle-turtle-turtle” because he makes this face where he pulls his lips inside of his mouth and smiles … it looks just like a turtle and, “pajuder” (/pǝ ‘ jo͞odǝr/) because we sing him the song, my little potato, which quickly turned in to the phrase “my little pajuder”. i seriously feel so lucky and proud to be this little guys mama. i love you, jude! p.s. stop growing so fast!
Such cute photos. I love your style of photography!
Thank you so much, Katie!
xoxo, Sara
Those eyes!!
My son is 6 mons this week too and he does the same thing where he'll be sitting up and then see something that he wants so he'll flop forward or backward and try to crawl towards it. He doesn't crawl yet but he pushes his butt up into the air and sort of scooches around ha
Haha! Jude does exactly the same thing! It's so amazing watching them grow and change every day, isn't it? Most days I just wish he wouldn't grow so quick …
xoxo, Sara
He is the cutest thing! His eyes are just amazing. Congrats on such a sweetie 🙂
Thanks, Andy!! His eyes are my favorite too 😉
xoxo, Sara
ohhhh wow those EYES!!!
what a cutie.
6 months! time flies… good luck in the new year xx
Valentina Duracinsky Blog
Time seriously flew by faster than I could have ever imagined!!! Thank you, Valentina:)
xoxo, Sara
Oh my goodness this is so crazy but, I'm 17 and from Australia – I'm in a choir ( young voices of melbourne)and we toured with the man who wrote that song 'my little potato' we sung it at the end of our gigs/concerts as a fun one and Malcholm Danglesh told the story of how his daughter reminded him of a little potato – I love that song so much and I know that any bub would be lucky to have that song sung to them. He's one sweet pea! How did you come across that song? It seems strange because I know the composers american and obviously lives a lot closer to you then he does to us but that's so crazy that you u mentioned it here. Sorry, a bit of a rant – so cool!
Love you photography too 🙂
Wow, this is so cool … I loved reading this! My dad used to play it for us when we were little and it just kind of stuck with me and seemed to fit Jude's personality perfectly:) What a cool experience this must have been … Thank you for sharing it with me!!!
xoxo, Sara