preparing for england

June 20, 2013


we’ve been doing a lot of running around lately getting a few last minute things for our england trip next week. those things we’d only remember we still needed to get or do just a few days before we leave like buying an adapter kit so our electronics will work in the u.k. or remembering we need to find someone to watch our home … things like this. it has been a bit busy around here and busy it will be for the next few days but something tells me all this crazy will be paying off here very soon.


i know we will at least be traveling to london, york, salisbury, and scunthorpe so if any of you live or have spent time in these cities and know amazing places, shopping, restaurants, or things to do we would love to hear about them!  p.s. i have been really behind on emails so if i haven’t replied to yours yet, i will … i promise! 

*for those who have asked about scunthorpe, we are just taking a quick visit to say hello to some relatives.

52 thoughts on “preparing for england

  1. Sarah Beth

    So excited about your adventure!! I've just come back from a study abroad trip to Italy and the UK is high on my list! Can't wait to see pictures and hear all about it 🙂

  2. Abby

    i have always wanted to go to England! You should definitely do an English high tea while you are there- I hear nothing compares to a real English scone.

  3. Lucie

    I live in England! It makes me giggle how you packed two umbrellas, you have usBrits down to a tee!

    Much love


  4. Deanie

    England is fabulous; I've been living in Cambridge for two years now. Definitely get Austrian food at Kipferl in Angel, and go early enough to visit some of the cute vintage shops between the tube stop and the restaurant. Have fun!

  5. Charlotte | Charlotte's Web

    I live in England 🙂 London is awesome.. my advice would be that if you have time, just spend a day walking around it without direction, you come across the best stuff when it isn't planned, and there are so many hidden gems spotted around the place. You're never far from teh tube if you get lost too, so I wouldn't worry about that 🙂 x

  6. Rosie W

    York – head out to Swinegate for some shopping 🙂
    Can't say I've ever been to Scunthorpe or wanted to go there though… but London will be fun! Make sure you head to the Natural History Museum (especially as it's free!) You can easily fill a day in there and in the neighbouring Science Museum.
    You should come down to the South West and visit my beautiful city of Bath, it's only an hour and a half from London by train… If you'd like any tips, let me know!
    Rosie x |Every Word Handwritten

  7. Emma McCartney

    Ooh, how exciting! There are so many places in London to visit. I would say, if you can, visit Columbia Road's Flower Market, St James's Park outside Buckingham Palace, Carnaby Street just off of Oxford Street and Covent Garden!!! In fact, if you go anywhere in London, make sure it's Covent Garden. Beautiful restaurants, boutique shops and so much going on! And a lot of it is undercover which is handy when it rains (which it will!).

    Have a lovely time! xx

  8. Toni Din

    Make sure you bring warm clothes, too 🙂 It is coooold here. Enjoy your trip. Despite all the rain and clouds it is such beautiful country and I wouldn't want to live anywhere else. xx

  9. Amy

    I live in Somerset, South West of England, and it's lovely here. I'm sure you will have a wonderful time! We've had a bit of warmer weather lately so fingers crossed it will be sunny when you arrive, but well done for packing umbrellas! 🙂

  10. Chinwags and Tittle-Tattles

    Hello from England!

    You're smart–umbrellas are a must here. Not sure what the weather will be next week, but make sure you have meds for hayfever if you suffer from it. It's been really bad for the last 2 weeks.

    I got an adapter from Target when I went to Cali 3 years ago. Been carrying it around all over Europe, Asia and the Middle East.

    Make sure you have a pint in a pub with fish and chips!

    Have fun.

    MsMadge x

  11. Anna

    I'm from England and would totally recommend a trip to the county of Devon it's so beautiful! Whilst in London check out the London Transport Museum they have a great poster art exhibition on at the moment 🙂

  12. Anonymous

    dear sara,
    i love reading your blog!! you are so much inspiration for me. happy for you, you can visit london. it's a great city, i have been there for a few times. i live in switzerland, so it's only a small step away. i think this blog could help you with tips for london. she is telling about all the great places in london i usually visit as well. happy travelling for you and your husband. take care, xox francesca

  13. Sara Marie

    I am always in London so let me know if you have any questions…if you want to experience a traditional afternoon tea, go the Sketch. You will love their tea room! York is beautiful! If you don't mind me asking, why on Earth are you going to Scunny?


  14. HopeCove

    Oh you're coming over here! How random that you're visiting Scunthorpe…haha anyway there is SO, SO, much to do in London you will positively be overwhelmed and want to stay longer 🙂 Have a safe journey.

  15. Lisa

    I have been to England a couple of times and love it, especially London is awesome, it's a city full of diversity which I enjoy so much, compared to the little Swiss town I live at right now. My tipp is, do all the touristy stuff but make sure to take some time to just sit back and let London do its thing to you!

  16. Becky

    Oooh I'm English and live in London! I've obviously got some catching up on your blog to do as I didn't realise you were heading over here! I'm not sure exactly how long you'll be in London for, but here are some places you could try (Google them for more info):

    Gordon's Wine Bar (near Embankment Tube) – Wines, beers and cheeses all under the dark railway arches and the only light is candle light, a brilliant atmosphere). Best kept secret.

    Take a boat from near Westminster to Greenwich, takes an hour and you get to see all the lovely architecture along the river. Once you get to Greenwich, there are some lovely pubs/cafes/restaurants. The grounds of the Maritime college there are beautiful, and take the walk up the MASSIVE hill to near the GMT observatory is and you have the BEST views of Canary Wharf, def photo op.

    Take Camden to Camden, just for the photo op of getting him to stand by a sign saying, er Camden. Great market there and canal boat rides to Little Venice are fun. Best go on a weekday if poss as weekends are packed.

    Piccadilly Circus and the main tourist spots are great to visit, but i'd avoid eating/drinking there as really expensive.

    Borough Market near London Bridge or Borough tubes is fantastic for buying/trying all sorts of delicious foods- I often go with my little ones and we try bits of cheese/breads/brownies before we decide what to buy. Great to walk from here along The Southbank, via the Tate Modern, Globe Theatre (Shakespeare's), and Royal Festival Hall, and watch some street performers. Or alternatively you can go from The Tate Modern across the bridge directly opposite and have a look around St Pauls cathedral.

    Shoreditch area is great for going out at night, and Brick Lane has cool bars and a gazzilion curry houses. Aldgate East tube best for here.

    Sorry if i've waffled, and i'm sure you've got an idea of what you want to do, but thought these might be useful (i'm sure I can think of more!).

    Have a great trip!


  17. Martina @ snapshotsandwhatnots

    Have a great trip – London is amazing, I only got to go for a weekend trip but I really enjoyed it, my favorite part was a toss up between Harrods or Tower of London, they were both amazing!

    Pity you're not visiting Dublin on your trip, I could give you so much more advice (its my hometown :))


  18. Elliementary, My Dear

    I studied abroad in London and I highly recommend going to Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese Pub. It was frequented by Charles Dickens, is located off of Fleet St. (think Sweeney Todd), and they have a bar in the cellar which is so neat. If you're into Sherlocke Holmes, there is a cute little Sherlocke Holmes museum on Baker Street. And I think the best part of London is all of their beautiful parks – Regent's Park, Holland Park, Hyde Park, St. James' park, etc. Hope you have a lovely time there 🙂

  19. Alison Pearldiver

    The Tate museum in London is a must if you have any inclination to like art at all it's one of the worlds greatest museums. Also I love, love, love York. Just simply walking around it is a wonderful experience, but if you can go to the York Cathedral during one of the services to hear the chorus echoing through the cathedral it is amazing. I am not religious and was still very moved by it. Also visitors stay in the front of the church away from the actual sermon and parishioners. If you are in the mood for traditional english fare try a meat pie, or cornish pasty we do don't get them over here.
    One more London thing to do is spend a few hours doing bus tour, they're everywhere, it really helps to get acquainted with the different parts of London, plus you'll be in a foreign country so no one you know will be aware of what a touristy nerd thing you are doing.

  20. Alison Pearldiver

    The Tate museum in London is a must if you have any inclination to like art at all it's one of the worlds greatest museums. Also I love, love, love York. Just simply walking around it is a wonderful experience, but if you can go to the York Cathedral during one of the services to hear the chorus echoing through the cathedral it is amazing. I am not religious and was still very moved by it. Also visitors stay in the front of the church away from the actual sermon and parishioners. If you are in the mood for traditional english fare try a meat pie, or cornish pasty we do don't get them over here.
    One more London thing to do is spend a few hours doing bus tour, they're everywhere, it really helps to get acquainted with the different parts of London, plus you'll be in a foreign country so no one you know will be aware of what a touristy nerd thing you are doing.

  21. Nbc91 – check this weather website before you come, i use it everyday its very accurate!

    What are your reasons for going to Scunthorpe? Its a nice enough place, just be careful out in the town late at night. If you are staying in a hotel, it might be safer to eat there..

    You will have a million and one things to do in London and York, both very exciting!

    The weather is quite warm at the moment (23c today) but be prepared just incase the clouds stick around!

    Have a lovely time x

    1. admin Post author

      Awesome, I'm sure that will come in handy! We have relatives in Scunthore that we are just popping in for a day or so to say hi;) Thanks for the tips!

  22. Nbc91 – check this weather website before you come, i use it everyday its very accurate!

    What are your reasons for going to Scunthorpe? Its a nice enough place, just be careful out in the town late at night. If you are staying in a hotel, it might be safer to eat there..

    You will have a million and one things to do in London and York, both very exciting!

    The weather is quite warm at the moment (23c today) but be prepared just incase the clouds stick around!

    Have a lovely time x

  23. Flora Amies

    So excited you will be setting foot on English soil!!
    In London I would definitely recommend going to the Natural History Museum (I think someone's already commented this and I couldn't second them enough. Go, go! It's free and so cool). Check out Carluccio’s for food (there are around 10-15 in London alone – he's a great chef and the tuna nicoise salad is delicious). In York, seek out Betty's Tearoom. If you're in England you really should make the most of English High Tea (the best tea and cakes in the afternoon). Stopping for tea and cake during shopping and exploring is a really nice way of recharging…

    Also, it's raining A LOT here as a type, and it tends to rain at least a couple of times a week. I'd recommend you pack a Mac or nice lightweight coat, you really will need it, else tripping round the city will be miserable with wet clothes and soggy shoes.


  24. Aly

    I am about to leave for the UK myself next week! I work on an archaeological dig near Scunthorpe (about half an hour away) at a site called Thornton Abbey. Drop by and say hello if you have the time!
    I've never been to York or Salisbury and I've only been through the train station in Scunthorpe but I do love London.
    Definitely go to the Orangery in Kensington Park for the best cake I've ever tasted. If you like Asian food, Wagamama is great and there are quite a few locations. The Victoria and Albert Museum and the National Portrait Gallery are a couple of my favorites and Camden market is really fun.
    Have a great trip!

  25. Noor

    I hope you enjoy your trip how long will you all be staying? I have yet to go to the UK we have been traveling around South Asia every year. In a month were headed to Duabi it's always a fun place.


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