the most simple dinner we've been eating every night

March 24, 2015

Date Night

We’ve been eating in a lot more lately. Sometimes, when we don’t feel completely drained and aren’t drunk with evening laziness, we will actually make something … And by make something, I mean something that has more than a few ingredients … And by ingredients I mean not already prepared. This here is not one of those meals. However, this is one of our favorite, most delicious meals as of late and I’ll tell you just what it is. Pay attention though, it’s pretty tricky 😉DSC_6463
DSC_6489You need: garlic naan, white bean hummus with pine nuts, butter, reduced balsamic vinegar. 
To make: Warm bread on oven rack for 3-5 minutes. Remove from the oven and spread with butter while still hot. Drizzle reduced balsamic vinegar and serve with pine nut hummus. 

Minds blown … You are welcome ;-p 


March 17, 2015

Hey Jude


On Pi day, baby Juder turned nine months old … isn’t that crazy? We celebrated by taking a walk down to the mall and watching the fountains … Jude loves the fountains. He also got to eat some of mom and dad’s milkshake at dinner. All he could say was “mmmmmmmmm!”

At nine months old Jude:

loves trying new foods

has two teeth
loves jumping in his swing
has mastered crawling and is now pulling himself up to standing which is crazy scary!
loves drinking water out of straws
likes chasing Kramer around the house
loves playing with musical instruments
can clap his hands on his own
loves the book Pat the Bunny

things that work

March 8, 2015

Our Home

top half
bottom hlaf

Let’s us get back to this house rearranging business already, shall we?! Onto the kitchen. Really, the only big change we made in here was swapping out our tiny island for a large one. I was really worried about this, afraid that it would look funny coming out so far in to the walkway making the space feel awkward … However, it works just perfectly. I wish I could have captured it better, but I was struggling to get a picture of the kitchen area that looks as it does in real life, probably because it is so incredibly narrow making it so stinking hard to photograph. Unfortunately, for now, these pictures will have to do. Getting back to the point … I love this island for the price because it creates a ton of prep space in our otherwise counter-less kitchen. Also, I love that it has tons of storage for ugly kitchen stuff on the one side but is covered on the side that faces towards our living space, making the overall feel a whole lot less cluttered. Next and last is the living room which has been and still is a slow work in progress. We aren’t making any huge life changing alterations in there, but more of a switching up certain corners and walls … Parts of the room that were looking a little tired. Anyway, that’s coming soon.

Jude’s new room hereThe new master bedroom here  

tales of snot and vacuums

March 2, 2015

Hey Jude


Sickness has struck our household for the first time in a long time. I was beginning to think we were immune to all the winter colds and flus or maybe they had just forgotten to stop by this year. It was as though all those rotten and yucky sicknesses that strike so many ill around the world during the colder months had just decided to skip our house this year, like a trick-or-treater does on Halloween when the’ve decided the chances of someone being home isn’t likely and better they stick to the houses that are guaranteed to be loaded with giant king sized candy bars. Our lights were off and we had most likely gone to some fabulous Halloween party. Only healthy people were invited, by the way. But sadly, no. The charlesworth clan has spent the last few weeks recovering from an attack of a particularly snotty cold. This was Jude’s first sickness. He was surprisingly brave though … much braver than both camden and me. For the most part, he kept his spirits up and tried his best to play as though nothing was the matter. However, his little coughs and sneezes were particularly heartbreaking for us, newbie parents and all. Although, I have to say, I did enjoy all the extra snuggles his sickness brought along … it was as if his cold was saying “Hey, I know i’m infecting your sweet babe with an extra sniffly nose that comes with a side of cough that sounds like a smokers lung, but just to show you I’m not all bad, I’ve brought along my friend snuggles here to ease the blow a little” … pun intended.

This picture was quickly taken mid-vacuum. Kramer, a hater of the vacuum, jumped on the bed to warn the worlds largest fan of vacuums that his trust had been misplaced and it wasn’t to late to turn back should he want too. Kramer, playing the roll of protective brother here, that is to say until the vacuum came too close for comfort, which is when he decided to leave his self-appointed post of loud, large, moving appliance protector and take shelter within his kennel. Still, it was pretty cute.