over the weekend …

March 19, 2013


because it seemed as though everyone was working or out of town this weekend, i decided not to waste a perfectly good saturday that was just begging to be productive. the bathroom was the one room in our home that hadn’t yet been fixed up and this weekend i decided it was high time to change that. we originally skipped giving the bathroom a little fresh paint when we first moved in, mostly because we only had about a week to paint our new place from head to toe and by the time we reached the bathroom, camden and i never wanted to see another paintbrush again. the walls and ceiling were left a strange, patchy shade of a baby blue, which i painted white and let me just add, all by myself (camden fell into the working category). painting is never as easy, or neat for that matter, as i think it will be. it always takes me way longer than i expect, which made this tiny saturday project last into the next week … in fact, it is still going. so far i have: painted all the walls and ceiling, replaced the old mirror, changed out the light fixture, added a decorative accent wall, fixed up the vanity, and replaced the dingy hardware. – and yes … all by myself. i’m just waiting for a new shelf to arrive this week so we can finally have a place to set things, then only paint touchups and organizing will remain. below are a few photos of what i have completed thus far and a few things i’m planning to bring into the finished space. i’m hoping to have our bathroom completed as well as photos to show you by then end of this week, so stay tuned!
bathroom 1
bathroom 4
bathroom 2
bathroom 6.0
bathroom 3

23 thoughts on “over the weekend …

  1. inbetweenidols

    i know what you mean about painting! it took me something like six months before i got around to painting my bedroom (although to be fair, it was painting it BACK from the color i originally painted it haha). it really is NOT as easy as you think. i always spill everywhere and the trim and ceiling are now a patchy mess. oops. guess they sell all those protectors and appropriate tools for a reason……

    lauren @ in between idols.

  2. E M M A ▼ D E E R

    I love those raindrops! What a cute idea for a bathroom. I love seeing these little tidbits. Our downstairs is in desperate need for a remodel so these photos really get me inspired to take on that project. Are those doorknobs? Whatever they are, they are beautiful! *swoon*
    ♥Emma Deer

  3. whitbnimble

    Oh this brought back fond/frightening memories of painting my house until my hand would cramp and get stuck. (Stuck like a little hand holding a paintbrush even when it wasn't.) ^^ Good luck on your finishing touches, it's looking sweet already!

  4. Sarah Mc.

    I considered painting my bathroom for about half a minute this week, and then I looked around and saw all of the side projects that would come with it and changed my mind quickly!

    1. admin Post author

      I actually cut out the the raindrop shapes using just regular paper, then placed each individual raindrop onto the wall with painters tape until I was happy with the pattern. I then traced them lightly with a pencil, removed the paper, and finally painted them in with black paint. Hope this helps 🙂


  5. mary @ BG JOURNALS

    love every bit of these sneak-peak photos, especially those knobs. you have fantastic shape, and i absolutely agree that painting always seems innocent and simple enough, but with cut-ins (especially in the bathroom), it definitely becomes a more laborous task than you think. i know it will be worth it though, you have lovely taste. looking forward to seeing the final product!


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