can i just talk about how much this 4moms mamaroo contraption has saved our lives? since about week two of this little guys born existence, it has been almost impossible to get jude to sleep without some sort of human contact. not counting car rides, he would only fall asleep while nursing or while bouncing him on my shoulder … and once he would finally fall asleep, there was no setting him down or right back open his eyes would pop. don’t get me wrong, sometimes i love this. sometimes it’s perfect having him nestled in my arms on the couch watching netflix … but other times i just really need to get stuff done, like the occasional shower would be nice or catching up on emails and let’s not forget, house work. what i’ve wanted is to be able to give him one hundred percent of my focus while he is awake and then be able to get ready for the day or edit some photos while he naps. during the past month or so things in the sleep department have gotten worse. getting him to finally drift off has been nothing short of a workout and once there, he would only stay sleeping for about forty-five minutes. these short little naps made him so irritable the rest of the day and really, who could blame him? he hated being in his swing he had gotten as baby and completely hates being swaddled … honestly, i just didn’t know what else to try and was seriously this close to surrendering myself to forever being his human bed. this was until we decided to try out the 4moms mamaroo. i was so hopeful but really skeptical at the same time. it came on saturday which was the first day we began to see the light. the first time we tried it out i knew he was really tired and needed a little nap. i was kind of expecting him to start crying escalating to a full blown meltdown … but no. he sat there quietly letting the mamaroo bounce him from side to side until … just like that he was asleep. i tell you, i almost cried. it seriously felt like a miracle from god. since then, he has gotten on a more regular sleep schedule, napping about one and a half hours at a time. he has been happier throughout the day … i’ve been happier throughout the day. it’s a win win all around. (p.s. his blanket has been velcroed down so he can’t pull it up over his face)
*this is not a sponsored post, just a product i completly love and wanted to share.
so sweet. my babe's preferred way to nap is in the ergo or wrap (back or front) and this frees up my hands for tasks. he's getting big now though, lol.
That is so sweet! When Jude was younger, he liked to sleep in his carrier too … As he has gotten bigger however, he is way too distracted trying to grab everything he sees lol 🙂
xoxo, Sara
What a clever invention ! Will definitely suggest it to my new mum friends if they happen to struggle with the same issues ! Your baby looks so precious in those pictures !
Charlie xx
Love that! Definitely do 🙂 Thank you, girly!!
xoxo, Sara
What a relief! Sleep is so important for everyone! So glad you found a solution.
When I started reading i thought this would be about a vibrating chair and I had flashbacks to Miranda's baby woes ;D
(That better be BRAND. NEW.)
This is hilarious! I can't even tell you how many times I've thought about this episode in the last few months … Seriously the best!!
xoxo, Sara