one week June 24, 2014 Hey Jude saturday, baby jude turned one week old. i can’t believe it has already been a week! it is crazy how quickly they grow and change, isn’t it? if only i could freeze time and keep him like this just a little longer … Tweet Facebook Pin COMMENT (13)
Martina Visnjic art June 24, 2014 at 12:35 pm Yes, time really flies. Baby Jude is so cute. 🙂 Reply ↓
Sarah Rose June 24, 2014 at 3:04 pm These photos are so so cute. At the very least, they help freeze time a little bit 🙂 Reply ↓
Welcome Home Taylor June 24, 2014 at 3:55 pm So very sweet. I love that little hat! xoxoTaylor Reply ↓
Alice June 24, 2014 at 8:55 pm Huge congratulations- he is so beautiful!! Alice xx |The Cup and Saucer Reply ↓
Geschwister Gezwitscher June 24, 2014 at 10:51 pm Wow, congratulations! He really really looks cute. I'm glad he's fine and hope you are too.Xo, Eva Reply ↓
lucinda smith June 25, 2014 at 6:50 am congratulations, what a sweetheart! the time really does go by fast, enjoy each day to it's fullest! Reply ↓
Juli Williams June 26, 2014 at 2:12 pm OMG. How cute is he with his little beanie. 🙂 you must be one very happy momma.Juli Reply ↓
He is precious.
Ah his little hat <3
Yes, time really flies. Baby Jude is so cute. 🙂
These photos are so so cute. At the very least, they help freeze time a little bit 🙂
my heart.
he is such a doll!
So very sweet. I love that little hat!
his hat is so cute!
the little diary
Huge congratulations- he is so beautiful!!
Alice xx |The Cup and Saucer
Wow, congratulations! He really really looks cute. I'm glad he's fine and hope you are too.
Xo, Eva
congratulations, what a sweetheart! the time really does go by fast, enjoy each day to it's fullest!
oh my goodness so damn cute! Congrats
ahh he's so little :')
OMG. How cute is he with his little beanie. 🙂 you must be one very happy momma.