oh man, did we have quite the christmas tree experience this year. camden and i decided that if we found the right one, we would get a bushier, more full, classic christmas tree this time around, instead of our traditional, skinnier, charley brown like tree that we usually pick and love. found it we did. a quite cute, bushy, green and blue christmas tree it was … so that was that, and on home with us it went. we brought it inside and stuck it on it’s stand, ready for us to frost it with lights, when to our horror, about ten little creepy-crawly spiders fell out of that great big green bushy pine. seriously, this was my worst nightmare realized. camden tried to convince me that these were the only ones in there, that i need not worry about the possibility of our jolly new tree infested with hundreds of spiders. however, i still couldn’t bring myself to string it with lights, so we left it overnight to see if there were any new developments in the morning. the next day, camden at work, i kept my eye on it like hawk to a mouse and i still swear i could see pine needles move ever so slightly. i finally got up the courage to leave the safety of our couch (because spiders obviously can’t get us up there) to nudge it a bit. just like i thought, at least ten more spider began to move throughout it’s branches. that was it. the tree had to go back. it spent the rest of the night and next day outside, then on thanksgiving day, we took it back to the lot and traded it out for our traditional tannenbaum instead. i think we’ll stick to charley browns from now on.
oh, I would have done the exact same thing. spiders are a no no!
Ohhhhhhh creepy!!!
it's really scary me. i'm really afraid with big spiders
i can almost smell the pine from the photos 🙂
-Deana, from Birds&Oxofrds
Ah! This makes me happy that we went with a more "charlie brown" christmas tree this year- we normally go with a bushy one! We haven't ever had one covered in spiders, but I don't want to risk it 😉 Glad you found a keeper!
That is quite icky! I'm glad you at least got to exchange it out for a better variety!
You poor thing having to deal with spiders!
Lovely photos, though. I always love going and seeing the trees all on display before they've been decorated.
these pictures are lovely! I'll be traveling for 2 weeks around Christmas and so we'll be putting up nothing more than a Charley Brown tree at our house.
Oh no! I couldn't deal with that either. Glad you got to trade it though!
Oh nooo! Last year I went with my friend to pick a tree and I had to sit in the back seat with the one she chose. I screamed when I saw the first spider inches from my face, and then there were at least five more. Happy to get a fake one for our house!
i love charley brown trees.xx
dreaming is believing
If it ain't broke don't fix it! Lovely photos and lighting
beautiful light and beautiful pictures!
oh so gorgeous and winter-perfect
congratulations, mama to be!
Eek! I am so terrified of spiders – I would flip out! Glad you traded it for a non-spider-filled tree 🙂
hahaha so funny and i would totally do the same!!
Valentina Duracinsky Blog
— Facebook Page
But your photos are still magical 🙂
♥ Naomi {Starry Eyes + Coffee Cups}
that is horrifying. although i'm slightly more scared of moths than spiders, so a moth-infested tree would REALLY by my worst nightmare. ugh. this gives me the heebie jeebies. but i'm excited to see your little charley brown! i'm sure he's just right. and, i'm gonna hope for your sake, totally spidey-free.
Oh my goodness that sounds like my worst nightmare!
Lisa | c/oMKE
seriously the worst! that's my biggest fear with christmas trees. sorry you had to experience that!
Oh that would have been my worst nightmare too. I don't blame you at all for sending it back, I wouldn't have even stopped in the house by myself if I thought there was a chance it was invested. Yack. At least you're back to your traditional tree now! x
Gorgeous photographs! Terrifying story though, I would have taken it back too!
Oh no, spiders in your tree?! That sounds awful! At least you were able to exchange! And skinny trees aren't so bad 🙂
Xo, Hannah
lol… that is awful. beautiful photos though. you have the best eye around. i struggled for inspiration at our tree selecting.
oh no! that sounds so scary! good luck on your next tree.
your photography is incredible!
and i would DIE if that happened to me.