oh … just my new uniform

June 3, 2013


uniform 1
uniform 1
uniform 03

i’ve been wearing this outfit everywhere lately, mostly because i’ve been short on time and that lazy part of my head that i go to when i’m in a hurry says “how about this one again”. it’s made up of such a random assortment of clothing too … i’m still not really sure how it all came about. the top is the result of a “need to save this shirt d.i.y. project”. it had an unfortunate entanglement with a washing machine that left its sleeves tattered and ruined which i then cut off in order to try and salvage it. i got the flower belt a few years ago when i went through a slight obsession with anything and everything etherial and these pants were the first “too big pants” i altered myself. the hat is one of those hats you find really inexpensively and on sale and at target, and the purse …. well the purse goes with me everywhere as you all know and is vintage coach. and then you have the shoes … a gift from camden and my new very very favorite pair possibly ever. 

29 thoughts on “oh … just my new uniform

  1. Charlotte | Charlotte's Web

    Such an adorable outfit.. I definitely have my go to outfits… consists of leggings and an oversized great gatsby sweater at the moment (though that's usually an around the house wear, I'm slightly more stylish than sweaters and leggings when out and about haha) xx

  2. Melina

    Love this outfit, it's so chic and easy. I love what you did with the top! I need more breezy, sleeveless button-ups for summer.


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