we use to spend our nights trying to keep jude awake and happy. usually around 5:30 or so, things start to go downhill and by 7:00 in the evening, he has pretty much had it. for the past few weeks, instead of fighting what he really wants (to hit the sack) we’ve started putting him down around 6:00-6:30, which has made a world of difference for him. this also means, from around 6:00 on, we are stuck at home. however, this has come to be something i look forward to. after jude turns in for the night, we will usually make some dinner (or order a pizza), light some candles, and enjoy an almost date night catching up or re-watching a series on netflix. so far we’ve made it through new girl, the blacklist, gilmore girls, and are now starting to watch season two of the blacklist. if you have any suggestions on what we should cue up next, please let me know!
p.s. aren’t those candleholders just the cutest? you can find them here.
p.s.s. it has recently come to our attention that a new season of house of cards will become available on netflix at the end of this month. we both can’t wait!
I love how your photos look like they were taken on film. Gives it a more intimate feeling when looking at pictures of pizza and candles. It actually is making me hungry.
Dare nights watching netflix at home are the best!
If you guys use Hulu I would definitely recommend Brooklyn 99. It's fun to read this post because my husband and I are going through the same thing! Our 5-month old now goes to bed early and we feel like new people as we get to spend time together and have little date nights again! Even though I really love being a mom, I feel like I came up for air a bit and getting to rest at the end of the day helps me to be a better one!
when you can get your man to watch gilmore girls with you, thats when you know hes a keeper! haha.
i love how homey you guys are!
watch Fringe
Sounds like a great time to me ! I've recently started watching "Being Erica", and I really enjoyed the first season so far. If you haven't yet watched it you should really give a chance to "Broadchurch". It's A-MA-ZING !!!
Charlie xx
Fab photos, pizza looks yum! I love nights in, I spend most nights cooking withn my housemate and watching netflix if we're not doing coursework. I love The 4400! Such a fab series! xo
amber love
Damn, now I'm hungry.