life has been crazy over here lately … changes are upon us and a few projects in store … this blog has been a bit scatterbrained for the past few because of this, but things should be getting more regular and consistent again soon. also, i’m really excited to share with you a three part holiday d.i.y. i’ve been working on … as soon as i can get home from work and take a few pictures before the sun sets … right? anyway it should be up here soon, hopefully by wednesday anyway. oh, and i’m really behind on emails … so if i haven’t responded to yours … just know i will be getting to it soon. thank you for all your patience. hugs kisses and what ever cheesy-ness should next follow;)
saturday morning, just like so many past saturday mornings as of late, i found myself watching the food network, again becoming ever more hungry with each delicious looking recipe. this week i decided to try out these really yummy looking personal key lime pies. and ……… they were amazing. it was a quick fix to all the citrus i’ve been craving … and when i say quick, i mean they really didn’t take much time at all to make and they didn’t require any baking! that said, i have found baking to be quite therapeutic and relaxing lately which is possibly why i’ve been gravitating more and more towards the food network?? furthermore, if you are interested in the recipe you can find it here!
looking forward to your big diy reveal!!
p.s. i like scatterbrained posts. :-)))
Thank you … you've made me feel 100 times better 🙂
xoxo, Sara
Key Lime Pie is one of my favorite desserts! I get hooked too easily on the Food Network recently and come away with all sorts of dinner party ideas and a hunger that leads me to the kitchen! Baking, cooking, preparing food…it's therapeutic for me, as well.
Kelsea, me too! It's great isn't it … and a little bit dangerous as well 😉 Thanks so much!
xoxo, Sara
They look amazing!
They really were soo good … definitely make them if you get the chance. I ended up cutting the recipe in half which then made about four mini pies, so we each got two … and now I'm sort of wishing I hadn't because I want more 😉
xoxo, Sara
OOFff! I love key lime pie! There's something about the tangy-ness that pulls me in every time!
xo Lisa | Making Life's Lemons
Seriously, me too … I'm a citrus girl all the way!
xoxo, Sara
can't wait to see your holiday diy!! that mini dessert looks delightful.. this is perfect timing too – i'm hosting a dinner party for my dad's 60th next weekend and he LOVES key lime pie. this would be perfect! thanks for sharing 🙂
How awesome! He will totally love them, and the entire thing took only like 45 minutes from start to finish so it is way easy. Hope he likes them … and thank you!
xoxo, Sara
I've never watched the Food Network. I just might check that out 🙂
♥ Naomi {Starry Eyes + Coffee Cups}
If you love food you'll love the Food Network haha 🙂 Definitely do!
xoxo, Sara
don't worry. i totally watch the food network for hours. i swear its therapy. ;]
i love this idea sara! I made cute little pumpkin pies in ramekins one year and they were such a hit.
maybe key lime pie will be on for this year!
visit me at freelyronnie.blogspot.com
xo ronnie
Sharon, this is seriously so good to hear … I'm glad I'm not the only one. Mini pumpkin pies sound absolutely fabulous … I'm going to have to look into that! Thank you so much and I'm totally checking out your blog:)
xoxo, Sara
Sara, key lime pie looks delicious. I will definitely try it! I checked the recipe and it is so rich (eggs, more eggs) that i may eat them for Sunday brunch. Are you planning to post "i wore this when" soon?
It's very rich and very delicious! Yes, I'm planning on at least having one "I Wore This When" posts before the month ends … It's been tricky getting out to take any photos before the sun sets but should definetly have one up soon:)
xoxo, Sara
mmm! Looks absolutely delicious! I'm definitely gonna be making these soon!
Yay! Let me know how they turn out!!
xoxo, Sara
mmmm! Looks delicious! I'm definitely gonna be trying out this recipe soon!
Key lime pie is my very favorite dessert. I always have one for my birthday. Funny story: our old roommate and I have the same birthday and while planning a joint birthday we discovered it's also his very favorite. Random!
Key lime pie is my very favorite dessert. I have one every year on my birthday. Preferably an entire pie, not just a slice. Just sayin'.
Amanda … That is awesome … and completely random yet sooo perfect! What a spectacular birthday treat!
xoxo, Sara
Oh my goodness what an AMAZING idea! This looks so yummy!
Xo, Hannah