in just a few months we will be leaving the united states for the very first time (for me anyway) and heading to the british land, england, for a whole fourteen days, two full weeks. seriously, if we get down to it, my “been there – seen that” list isn’t by any means impressive. besides new york (which is currently my very favorite place i’ve visited), i have only been to a few surrounding states, which makes the u.k. that much more exciting (because it could get any more exciting?).
if we really get down to business, and i mean the nitty-gritty, not always having the funds isn’t the only thing holding me back from traveling to faraway places. it’s the flying. yes, the flying. i hate flying! it terrifies me to the depth of my core. i can usually put on a brave face for that two hour flight to california or even the five hour flight to n.y.c. (granted i have to be looking out the window the entire time to make sure we are still in the sky) but being in the air for hours on end, over mountains, plains, and oceans really freaks me out.
a few months back, we went to see the movie flight with a few friends and when the plane started it’s downward crash i literally started having a mini panic attack. besides being morbidly embarrassed (thankfully camden was the only one that knew), it only reiterated to me just how afraid of flying i am.
however england, i think you are worth it. worth it for me to try my brave face again. worth it for me to conquer my fear. or at least try.
Though I have no fear of flying, long flights and overseas flights are more bearable than they seem! I find the best things for me are to take my own blanket, pillow & eye mask. As silly as I may look, I have developed a talent for sleeping on flights!
The Nap Throw Blanket from Brookstone is my FAVORITE blanket for many reasons but especially because its perfect for traveling!
Worth it! You wont believe how well people dress. good looking dressers abound. that place is so cute!
Worth it! You wont believe how well people dress. good looking dressers abound. that place is so cute!
I have anxiety already and then when you combine that with a touring husband it is a recipe for disaster! One thing that makes me feel better when I go out to visit him is to cross both of my fingers during take off! It's kind of crazy, but it's the little things right?!
You can do it!! I have flown a million times and I still freak out (internally) during turbulence, but it will be worth it when you get there! Also, lucky you to have 14 whole days there 🙂 Perhaps you will have time for a visit to Downton Abbey? 😉
ps. When I fly internationally I bring my own snacks for the plane, buy a giant water bottle once I'm through security, and always download a few favorite movies onto my laptop (in case I get one of those weird planes that only plays 3 (always terrible) movies the whole flight…ugh!). Anything to make the trip more pleasant 😉
I can't say I feel the same about flying – been doing it all my life and it's fine – but I CAN say that England is simply the best place I've ever been in my life, and I've been a lot of places.
I love NYC, a lot. But I lived in London for 4 months and am still not over the depression I experienced when I had to come back to the states. I actually am intending to move back there once I finish school.
Style to Stage
england – how exciting! the tate is on my bucket list.
Sooo worth it! Traveling is one of the most fun things you can do. Once you get out there and you see what the world has to offer you won't want to stop! You'll find yourself planning your next vacation within weeks of being back home.
I used to be scared of flying and I've been flying in and out of the States since I was six years old. I went to Japan last year and was in the air for almost 13 hours. That did it!!! Ever since then flying hasn't been so scary after all. Longer flights are usually less stressful than shorter ones (in my opinion!) Don't worry, it'll be totally worth it! I can't wait to see the photos.
i have a similar fear, but mine is more generalized (of travel!) and so that has prevented me from seeing the world so far. totally get what you're talking about. when people ask if i would want to travel, i think "yes" and then get mini panic attacks. happy to see someone taking a step in the right direction and bet you'll love it once you're there!
kw, ladies in navy
yes, I am sure you are brave enough! And England is worth the flight. Bonne chance!xxoo
England is totally worth it! I live on the South Coast of England and it is beautiful. I'm not sure where you are going but England is full of beaituful cities including,; London (obviously!), Norwich, York, Exeter, and many more. Plus regardsless of being in a city it takes literally only hour an hour to get out into the amazing rolling countryside.
In the South we have the Jurassic coast, where dinasour bones are still being found, in the North you have the Dales and the most amazing countrside for hill walking.
In Scotland and Ireland you have fabulous Celtic traditions and beautiful scenery.
If I can help with any tips on eateries, place to go etc just shout.
With regards to the flying, I'm not great at it myslef. If I'm with my Husband I can cope but if I'm flying with someone else I find that a small dose of Diazepam helps (on prescription from my Dr).
I hope you have an amazing trip, I love the month leading into a holiday, so full of anticipation and excitement.
i live in england and it's ok! mostly grey, though.
but i do think it's a place where it's easy to find cute independent shops/boutiques/cafes (tea rooms seem to really becoming popular now) and flea markets/vintage fairs are in cities a lot of the time so they're really accessible. public transport stinks though!
if you are going to london you might find it similar to new york! (but maybe more cramped)
Which part of england are you visiting? x
Have fun in england !!! I love it…
where are you going? If you are going to London – you'll have the best time ever 😀
Where in England are you visiting? I'd highly recommend Liverpool and Brighton, as well as London- and my stomping ground, Manchester. Have fun! And if you're after any recommendations, hit me up 🙂
Charlotte @ ginandginger.co.uk
England is beautiful, and the people there are beyond nice! When I visited four years ago, I couldn't get the hang of the train and kept missing my stop, so a wonderful woman took me under her wing and made sure I finally got to where I was going.
What helps me on long flights is buying a magazine or two before take-off. It gives you something to focus on during the flight; the in-flight (your-choice-of) movies on international flights usually aren't too bad either! I've been flying since I was a baby, but I haven't flown in four years and I'm actually kind of nervous about the 8-hour flight I'll be taking in April… I don't know where my anxiety came from all of a sudden though!
All the talk of flying aside, have an amazing trip!
ahhh boy I know what you mean about the flying fear !! And the only way to beat it is to fly 🙂 I'm a Londonder and travel abroad quite often, doing a long haul about once every 2 years, usually to LA, it terrifies the socks off me (especially the long hauls) but you've only got one life, and travelling overseas and experiencing different cultures is well worth those small few hours of feeling uncomfortable on a plane. Good luck, and the flight isn't so bad 😉
oh my gosh, this trip is going to be awesome!! of course take like a million pictures. keep track of some cool places you find as well! I am going to London in July, and would love some suggestions of places to go 🙂
I am the same with flying :(… TIP: Take a sleeping pill so you sleep thought the flight and get there so well rested 🙂
I hate flying too – but the joy of travel is so much greater! You will love love love travelling abroad as soon as you touch down in England! Many happy travels! Can't wait to read about your adventures!
You get to travel and it's all worth it!!! Seriously!! Ok, so I am not afraid of flying, but I have been all kinds of uncomfortable travel situations (e.g. totally sick) and feeling tired, scared etc. However, in the end it is all worth it. Discovering new places is SO inspirational. 🙂
xx Kaisa
Come stop by Cambridge! It's extra cute and I can offer lots of recommendations for coffee shops and free sight-seeing trips. Chic and affordable. 🙂
Im from England, its a wonderful place! Im guessing you are probably going to London but go more up north if you can. the peak district is just too beautiful. And Scotland has the most amazing people and scenery, Edinburgh is great city. I live in Nottingham, it is also pretty awesome here too! Hope you have safe fun travels!
Hey! I have done the trans-Atlantic flight a half a dozen times now and let me just tell you that you will be FINE! I live in England currently…but my first direct flight from Denver to London [10 hours] had my stomach rolling too.
My parents live on opposite sides of the country, so I was quite accustomed to flying…but the flying over an entire ocean thing scared me. Let me just tell you during these flights, they remain over land as much as physically possible…this means you fly as far up the Eastern Seaboard (this includes Canada) as possible, over the southern tip of Greenland and down over Iceland and towards England. If you look at a map it's a bit more reassuring. 😉
Secondly there is plenty to distract you from that fact that you're on a plane…movies, music, tv shows, free food! And depending on when you are flying and landing, the best thing might be for you to take some sleep aids and get some rest. Getting a head start on the jet lag is important! The whole window seat thing I don't suggest because you are going to want to get up and walk around…you'll need to stretch your legs.
Hope you have fun on your trip! Josephine is right…it's nice to see London but get out and see the country. There is lots to see!
sunny blonde studio
Ohhhh i can't WAIT to hear about your London adventures. I just stumbled across your blog and know that I will absolutely be back time and time again! Hope you will stop by mine! I'm your newest follower hey hey hey!
xo, Kelsey Belle
You will be fine!! And of course it is worth it! =) And when you come to London and get a taste for Europe there is so much more to come see!
Flying is never exactly fun. Although I live between 3 European countires so I cant really escape it. Just make sure to make ur self busy and time will fly. On the long inter continental flights I usually take on of those over the ccounter sleep aid pills, which will knock you out and then you are rested and fit for fight when you arrive at your destination =)
Im from the UK, and fly to and from the US a few times a year – the flight is super easy! its long, depends where you are? From NYC – London its around 7 hours. From LAS VEGAS is was 13 hours!! – yuck!
Lucky for you, most of the flight is over water, so no mountains to look at/ worry about!
Have loads of fun!
SO jealous!! Take me with you! haha! have so much fun!
I've never been there, but I;m pretty sure that England is totally worth your brave face. I always get a little nervous with take offs and landings but then quickly realize that it will all be okay 🙂
The flight from the USA to here is a long one but its not usually that bad 🙂 My mum is absolutely terrified of flying & she usually takes a few herbal sleeping tablets so she sleeps through most of the flight!
I get that way too… But I travel very very often (see blog…) It gets better!
Good luck and have fun!
I hate flying too, so I generally pop a few motrin PM or zzz-quil so that I just pass out. With overseas flights, the bulk of my anxiety fades after a few hours in the air too. I don't know what it is. Also, the feed you so often that you can practically just focus on eating the food and the flight will whiz by. c;
The Lush Scouts
It's always funding that holds me back…but this trip to England is my life dream! I am soooo happy you get to have this experience and hope you'll take lots of pics so I can vicariously travel through you 🙂
<3 Cambria
I obviously fit the generic description for a drug-smuggling bomb-maker, because every time I pass through airport security I become the proud recipient of a full body exam and drug test. That isn't even an exaggeration, it happens every single time.
That is just the start… Here is my full post on why I hate flying
you will be in my country 🙂 it will definitely be worth it, so much to see and explore. let me know if you want any ideas 🙂
Girl, get some Ativan!
Have fun!