i’m back … and we thought you all should know …

November 30, 2013



i just couldn’t keep it quiet any longer … though you may still not be able to tell, camden and i are expecting our first baby in about 29 weeks! needless to say, we are pretty excited. we got to see the heartbeat for the first time a few weeks ago and we’re happy to report, so far, everything seems to be healthy and happy. the last few weeks have been a little interesting to say the least. i’ve been experiencing off and on morning sickness and have been suffering from what i like to call, extreme sleepiness … i’ve probably taken more naps in that past eighty days than i have in my entire life, which would explain the somewhat off and on blog posts popping up around here. i’m happy to report however, i’m beginning to feel a bit more normal as will this blog too. so, here is to our newly beginning adventure as we open a new chapter in our quickly growing life. 

74 thoughts on “i’m back … and we thought you all should know …

  1. Ros

    That's awesome! Congrats to you both!

    (And thanks for the increase in baby-related Pinterest pins: we're having our first in April, and your pins have been a really great source of inspiration!)

  2. Carly Cross

    So exciting! I read your blog and don't comment enough. This caught my eye though because I'm 15 weeks pregnant! Just shared on the blog a couple weeks ago. Doesn't it somehow feel so much more real once it's out there? No turning back now! I hope you start feeling better. Eating foods with HIGH protein kicks my nausea. Good luck and congrats!


  3. Abby Barstow

    congratulations! I'm almost 11 weeks pregnant 🙂 That makes your due date pretty close to mine…I'm June 24th. That's so awesome! I'm starting to feel a little bit better as the first trimester is starting to fade away. And your announcement is so beyond adorable. I wish I had done something like that! I just did a 10 week update with ultrasound photos…http://littlecityadventures.blogspot.com/2013/11/10-week-pregnancy-update-ultrasound.html

  4. seethroughandthrough

    Ohhhhh that is such wonderful news! Congratulations guys! I'm so looking forward to hearing all about your pregnancy journey. My husband and I are around the same age as you and Camden and expecting our first baby in March. So I am just really excited that one of my favorite bloggers (you) is expecting too! I know it can get overwhelming being a first time mama-to-be so I would love to chat about preggo problems if you wanted 🙂

  5. Kay

    Congrats! cant wait to see little Sarah or Camden. You guys will make cuuuute baby! (not as important as your baby news, I love your outfit 🙂

  6. beth - ann

    wonderful news! congratulations!!! your photography is already so amazing, i can not wait to see where this incredible new inspiration takes you 🙂 very much looking forward to you sharing your journey.


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