i wore this when …

February 8, 2013



the one car thing has been working out pretty well until yesterday. yes yesterday, day of so many things to do requiring us to be at different places at different times. we had sort of gotten into a routine until yesterday with this one car thing. i would drive to work in the mornings (because i leave much earlier and work too far away to walk) and camden would then walk to his work a few hours later. in the evening, when camden was ready to come home, i would drive over and pick him up. on the days camden had work off and i didn’t, he would come to work with me in the morning, then take the car on errands during the day. then, when i was finished, he would come back to pick me up. on the days camden had work and i didn’t, i would drive camden to work in the morning and pick him up in the evening. it was a system, it was working and working well. until yesterday camden had never had a wednesday off. the thing that made this so difficult was that wednesday is the one day a week i don’t go into work until noon which completely interfered with camden’s errands and appointment times. after appointment rearranging and such we were able to plan out a day that would “work” for the both of us. i ran camden’s errands with him in the morning then went to his doctor’s appointment too. after that, camden dropped and picked me up from work and we ran my errands until ending back at home in the evening. i think yesterday was the first day we both wished we had two cars. we were slightly grumpy last night from running around all day and figuring out how to fit everything in. sometimes trying to simplify can seem the complete opposite of simple . . . at least yesterday it did.

i wore: jacket, fire los angeles // shirt, vintage // belt, j.crew // pants, anthropologie // purse, vintage coach // shoes, brass plum 

16 thoughts on “i wore this when …

  1. Geena Rose

    My boyfriend and I share a car also. It's tough to get used to but once you're in your routine it's fine. Just think of the money your saving on gas and insurance, and the good you are doing the environment!

  2. Courtneyvk

    Love your outfit. I respect you and Camden's decision to downsize to one car, that is a huge step and even though it was difficult yesterday, maybe soon you'll find a perfect solution for days like that. I just got in a car accident a few days ago and living without a car is difficult but it definitely brings you back to a simpler life, it makes you slow down and appreciate things instead of just constantly going.

    I hope you have a great weekend!

  3. Heather Belle

    Sharing a car is tough! I've been sharing with my mister for a while now. Luckily we live on our school's campus so we don't need it too often, but when one of us needs the car, it seems like we both just happen to need it at the same time. UGH! Anyway, your outfit is adorable, and I'm swooning over that pretty bag!!

  4. Kelli Anderson

    we've always had one car, and you described our lives on the daily. i know how it is to feel frustrated when the system doesn't go perfectly. but i also love going with each other to otherwise mundane errands. having your s.o. there to chat while waiting in a dr's office is awesome sometimes, too.

  5. Michelle K. Martin

    love the mustard + denim jacket combo! My boyfriend and I have one car too and it's the worst on week days when he has to work and I have a day off since the only way he can get to work is by car and he has to be at work at 6:30AM…it's a real bummer sometimes but it is worth saving the money


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