i wear this when …

March 31, 2013


george 1
george 4

here is what you need to know about george. george is the tiger on my shirt. i met him a few years back  while scanning the sale rack at an urban outfitter store after a not so brilliant day. i don’t know what it was about this tiger tee but george and i instantly fell in love… you could say we were meant to be. you should also know camden didn’t like george so much at first. in fact, camden hated him. my day had already been on the un-fabulous side and my (at the time) newlywed husband mocking my new thrifty find really got my blood boiling. a heated argument and a few tears later we calmed down and camden decided the only thing to make me feel better now was to watch an old audrey hepburn movie of my choice … of course while wearing my new “goofy” top. i decided on sabrina and then named my silly tiger shirt after one of my favorite quotes in the movie.

” there were gardeners to take care of the gardens, and a tree surgeon on a retainer. there was a boatman to take care of the boats: to put them in the water in the spring, and scrape their bottoms in the winter. there were specialists to take care of the grounds: the outdoor tennis court and the indoor tennis court, the outdoor swimming pool and the indoor swimming pool. and there was a man of no particular title who took care of a small pool in the garden for a goldfish named george.”  

so the name stuck with my tiger and i still pull him out every so often when i’m having a slightly under the weather day. he helps pick me up and reminds me of a little goldfish named george…  

i wore: shirt, urban outfitters // vest, old navy // pants, j.crew // shoes, blowfish c/o // purse, vintage coach 

13 thoughts on “i wear this when …

  1. Leah Clark

    This story reminds me so much of my boyfriend and I! We have this same sort of arguement all the time. It has even turned into me buying things knowing he isn't going to like them, notching the looks he gives them for the first time, and then me getting angry or telling him I like my floral pants anyways.
    I live that you named him George.

  2. Sara Marie

    I love Sabrina… and that is honestly one of my favorite pieces of dialogue from the film. I will now have to pop my very own copy into the DVD player this Easter Sunday and have a little giggle about a tiger named George.

    sunny blonde studio

  3. Anonymous

    I love everything about this. Where did you get that watch? I've been looking for a simple one like that.


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