dwelling small

April 10, 2013

Our Home

spring cleaning part one01
as much as i try, i find at heart i am not the most organized of people. as you probably can imagine, in a small apartment, this can sometimes be a problem. my biggest problem of organizing grief takes place in the bedroom. my drawers eventually find themselves full of bunched up wrinkly clothing begging to be neatly refolded and nicely stacked away. camden and i decided this year, because of our downsized lifestyle, to simplify our dressers and closets a bit especially with the promise of warmer weather ahead. we have lately been going through our clothes and setting our warm winter pieces aside to be stored until next year as well as donating a few pieces we could do without. – and it’s helped. my drawers have stayed noticeably neater, plus it always feels good to do a little organizing and cleaning with this new beginning, spring.
^ the eventual mushy clothes drawer.


^ a pile to donate, a pile to store away ’til next year, and a pile to stay within my drawer.
p.s. i like to keep a few cooler weather pieces out since i find myself in need of them from time to time year round.


and there you have it, nicely organized drawers ready for spring.

21 thoughts on “dwelling small

  1. Stephanie

    i've ended up putting my shirts and stuff in the dresser the other way. you know the way you see on pinterest where they're all up and down in the drawer? it really saves that cluttered, unorganized drawer.

  2. mary @ BG JOURNALS

    i'm a constant downsizer as i get stressed when i've got too much around me, so i keep a monthly bag where i place things to donate / give to others / get rid of because i genuinely feel like having just my absolute favorites in my drawers and closet makes getting ready and daily life just easier all around. and that way i can keep all my winter / spring / summer / fall clothes out at once since i am a layering fool. and as a fellow small apartment dweller, i can definitely give testament to your feeling that living in a small space keeps you accountable to only small collections of things πŸ™‚

  3. Jasmine Brink-Li

    I just realized that I have way to many clothes to FIT into the drawers I currently have, so I definitely think a downsizing is going to happen soon! perhaps this weekend even?
    Thanks for the inspiration, I love seeing what people do in small locations!

  4. Monica

    Putting my clothes through the donate, storage or keep piles has to be the best method of spring cleaning. The hardest part is cleaning is usually just getting started, but once you start, it's hard to stop (well… usually).


  5. Leah

    I love reorganizing at the beginning of each season. Creating a fresh and new environment or closest is the perfect way to kick off the Spring season! I'm a little bit of an organizational freak so I loved this post πŸ˜‰

  6. Erin

    Again, I really love the photography in this post. It's a simple topic, really: spring cleaning. Everyone sorts clothes like this and folds them away neatly for next time, but your pictures give it a new life and charm that I really adore.


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