i wish i had one of those heroic birth stories to tell you, one where i had crazy painful contractions or my water broke and we only just made it to the hospital in the knick of time and there was no time for an epidural …. but then again maybe i don’t. in truth my birth story was very calm which never included any pain or panic.
saturday morning, thirty-eight weeks into my pregnacny, the fourteenth of june, they decided it was time for baby jude to be born because of the increasing concern he wasn’t growing properly due to the partial placenta abruption i had at twenty-nine weeks. on an ultrasound a few days earlier, he was measuring under the tenth percentile. so saturday morning, at ten o’clock, we walked calmly into the labor and delivery ward at our hospital ready to have a baby. around ten-thirty they started the induction process with a drug called pitocin and my water was scheduled to be broken at twelve o’clock p.m. my doctor was very adamant that she wanted me to have the epidural before she was to break my water so i never was in any real pain before she did. when she broke my water i was eighty percent effaced and three-plus centimeters dilated. at four o’clock in the afternoon, when checked again, i had only dilated to a four and was one hundred percent effaced and had not yet been in any pain. at this point camden and i started to feel slightly discouraged because we had hoped and expected to see much more progress by this point. they said they would check again in a few hours so i just laid there calmly, expecting we would be here waiting for quite a bit longer, maybe late into the night or quite possibly even into the next day. i was so unaware of progress happening that when my doctor came in around seven in the evening i had been on pinterest trying to keep myself entertained. when she checked she looked at me and said “alright, you are nine-plus centimeters dilated, it’s time to push!”. i honestly thought she was joking and just stared at her for a minute waiting for her to say “just kidding”. so around seven forty-five we began the pushing process and at two minutes after eight, fifteen painless minutes later he was out and the sweetest little boy we’d every seen was born.
these were taken after his first bath in the hospital which is when we quickly discovered jude hates to be naked or wet and is really the only time he actually cries.
we have been home for a few days now and i’m happy to report things have been going pretty well. we are just spending these day figuring out how to be parents and really trying to appreciate and soak in all the little moments that seem to go by so quickly. so here is to baby jude … we love you so much.
Congrats with your beautiful baby boy!!
congratulations on that sweet little jude. he is perfect! xx
Congratulations to you both on your precious,tiny little boy!
What a beautiful name! Congratulations.
Congratulations! beautiful baby 😀
He is so cute and tiny and congratulations Mama!! (Did you say "Hello!" to him like he was a visitor from a another planet like Miranda said to Brady when he was born??)
He is amazing. Congrats to you, now a beautiful family of three…
Beautiful baby boy! Congratulations to the both of you. I can't wait to see him interacting with Kramer!!! 🙂
Beautiful baby boy!!! Congratulations to the both of you. I can't wait to see him interact with Kramer. 😉
congrats! he's adorable!
Congratulations, he's just beautiful 🙂
He is perfect! Epic birth stories can be so overrated at times (mine was quite simple, much like yours). Congrats to the both of you!
Oh my goodness Sara he is so handsome and sweet. He is tiny just like my Z once was <3 So happy that labor went quick and easy for you and that you guys are adjusting well. Being a mother is something else isn't it (; ?
Dearest Lou
Congrats! So tiny, but already showing so many of both of your features.
Seriously! I was thinking the same thing.
Congratulations to both of you and well done, what a beautiful and healthy baby 🙂
what a cute name and a beautiful baby boy. congratulations!!
What a huge blessing. Congratulations on your baby.
Oh, sweet Sara! So happy he's here with you now, and so happy you had a calm + painless labor. : ) Congratulations to you, and Camden, and mister Jude — and Kramer, too! ; )
congratulations, he is so beautiful and healthy and wonderful! babies are such incredible gifts to the world! thank you for sharing!
Congrats on beautiful baby Jude! He's absolutely precious.
So happy for you both 🙂 He is such a gorgeous little one x
Oh what a beautiful baby! Congratulations!
Such a beautiful baby! Congratulations!
I can't get over how adorable he is. Also can't get over how much I love that little guy, he is seriously the sweetest.
Congratulations, he is such a beautiful baby! I have been religiously following your blog for a few months now and I am so pleased to see this post!
Congratulations on a beautiful baby boy.
Congratulations!!! What a precious gift. Enjoy every moment.
Ronnie xo
My gosh congratulations!!! He's just the sweetest little thing ever!!!! Much love to your whole little family dear!
Oh oh oh, congratulations darling! He is sweet, he is so precious and perfect. I hope you are still enjoying some quiet moments in your new life.
My cousin, who is a sister to me, welcomed a baby girl into the world just a little over a week before you, and I have been wrapped up in that perfect baby bliss you must be feeling!
You're so lucky the birth was so calm and pain free, my cousin was overdue and also had to be induced, but the baby didn't take well to the pitocin and after an entire day of very up and down labour she had to go in for an emergency cesarian.
But she's doing so well now, as is baby Juno. We are so happy, and seeing this post makes me so happy to share all this baby love!!
My niece was born with a full head of black hair, and my cousin's rosebud lips, and I see little your little Jude already has such defined features- isn't it so strange and surreal?!
Sending so much love & light to all three of you, enjoy this beautiful moments! And, gorgeous pictures as always.
Congrats to the both of you! He is absolutely precious 🙂
oh my, congratulations!!!
Congrats, congrats, this is amaizing, he is very beautiful !
What a precious gift !!!
He is so very precious! Congratulations on the safe and quick labor!
Congratulations! He is just beautiful. And it sounds like such a relaxing birth!
congratulations!!!! Oh my goodness, he's just perfect!!!!
xoxo, kerri
He's so beautiful!
I've been induced with 5 of my 6 and had the epidural because of the pitocin…that stuff is awful.
If I could go quickly once in labor, I might try to go natural, but honestly, I love how laid back my births are. I actually enjoy birthing because I'm not screaming the entire time in agonizing pain. That may also be why we have 6-ha! Gotta love those epis!
He is perfect! Congratulations!!! So happy for you guys!!!
He'd perfect! My pregnant mama emotions are making me cry over how perfect he is <3