we had come to the point in our current home where we were seriously thinking about moving. jude hadn’t been able to sleep in his room because of the cold (the radiator in there is really weak/that room is surrounded by windows) which left him sleeping in the living room and us stuck in our bedroom after seven in the evening afraid of waking him. we were running out of space and making anything to eat with our foot of counter space was seeming more and more impossible by each passing day. we had found the place we wanted to move. it seemed rather perfect really. jude would have his own warm room … there was more storage … more space … a dishwasher {sigh}. we were so close to moving there until, at the last minute we found out they not longer had parking which was kind of a deal breaker. we had been searching online like crazy people and just couldn’t find anything that seemed to fit. that’s when we probably literally lost our minds and decided to do something a little radical. we came to the conclusion that the only way our current place could continue working for us was if we made some drastic changes. we moved jude into what was our bedroom, got rid of our dining room and moved our room there, and jude’s old room is now our closet. we replaced our little island by our chalk board wall with a giant island for more counter space. sort of a catch-22 seeing as we no longer have a dining room … it was seriously chaos in here for a few days. we’ve made progress but there is still a lot of tweaking that needs to be done. our new bedroom needs a little design help, our new closet looks like a store blew up, and jude’s room needs things hung and we are waiting on a rug to cover the floor so he can have some play space. we are going for a sort of oversized studio look so we’ll see how it turns out. on a side note, it’s been really difficult trying to balance being a mom, redoing our home, work, as well as keeping this blog maintained. i love being little juder’s mom and that will always take priority over anything else. motherhood has been so surprising to me in so many ways. it is extremely scary, overwhelming, challenging, and not to mention exhausting, but honestly i never thought i would love it as much as i do. posts should be getting more frequent here again soon so thank you so much for being patient with me while we figure stuff out. sorry for the worlds longest side note … it’s late, my mind is cluttered with fuzzy thoughts after a long day … the end.
Totally understand! I have a 4 month old and a lot of things I would like to do take a back seat to being momma and taking care of her! But please when you do get back to regular posting show us pictures of what you all did in your place! Would love to see it!
Thanks Kayleigh! I totally will:)
xoxo, Sara
I like your blog more and more. And your posts are worth the wait. Good luck with all the re-arranging, it's kind of exciting.
Awe … thank you Meghan! It's sometimes exciting having a fresh start … I agree:)
xoxo, Sara
I totally get it! For one, I have not blogged in awhile, but I dont feel it at the moment and I certainly dont want to post something that is forced. Second, when we bought our house, we had a toddler and a new babe, but had not a lot of intention in staying too long. We have since added 2 more babes, a dog and we still live in our 2 bedroom, 1 bath home…..it is spacious at 1400 sq.ft. but we have seriously outgrown our comfort and welcome, but we need to deal with it for the time being. I am big on storage ideas and not having clutter excess if any clutter. I constantly cruise Pinterest to see what kind of DIY is out there. I love how real you are and it is so refreshing! xx ~Ashley
Thank you so much! I loved reading this … I'm so glad you understand! Our apartment is about 800 square feet but we only have one dog and one child … I'm sure things are starting to feel a little cramped on your end. I do the same thing with Pinterest … I'm constantly looking for new home ideas and creative solutions as well. Thanks again!!
Xoxo, Sara
for sure, girl. we live in a tiny home, so I go crazy and we rearrange the entire house every single week. it's good to change things up!
Sounds just like our house:) it totally makes a difference though!!
xoxo, Sara
Hey Sara! Just a little thought that popped in my mind while reading your post: why not get baby Jude some warmer clothes / more blankets for sleeping? Heated rooms are unfortunately very bad for us – and especially for little children – as the air gets very dry from radiators and it dries out mucus, which makes us more vulnerable for catching colds etc. Here is an interesting article about the Scandinavian tradition of letting babies nap outside in freezing temperatures: http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-21537988 🙂 Anyway best of luck with rearranging the house and lots of love. Emilie.