farewell, dining room – hello, bedroom

February 10, 2015

Our Home

bedroom 00
bedroom 02

alright, you guys … here is the finished bedroom. for some reason, this was the hardest room in our place to figure out and design. it was hard for me to see past what felt like a bed half stuck in our old storage space and coming into what use to be our dining room. i seriously bought like five-hundred things for this space and returned almost all of them. however, as it came together, i really started to love our new bedroom and have truthfully come to adore it more than the old. it feels a little bit more grown up and put together than before. the idea of transitioning a dining room/office/storage space into a bedroom seemed strange to us at first and one of my biggest worries was how it would flow with the rest of the house …  i was worried that making our dining room a bedroom just wouldn’t make sense. i’m happy to report … as it turns out, it totally does. who knew?

i covered up one of the windows with a geometric rug that sort of acts as a stand in headboard for the bed. usually i would say covering up a window is a huge no-no … i mean you always want more natural light, not less … right?? but seriously, it was the single biggest thing that made the largest difference in defining and bringing the rest of the space together. i mixed a few different masculine and feminine patterns for the pillow cases that brought out the colors in the rug, added some warm metallic accents, brought in a bench for the end of the bed, added a few accessories, and bam! there you have it. just like that, it suddenly became a bedroom.   

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