At eleven months old Jude…
– loves climbing on furniture
– loves trying new foods
– refuses to hold his own bottle or put food in his own mouth … Any tips?
– crawls in and out of tiny spaces and likes to spend time under chairs or benches
– claps his hands for yay – waves hello and goodbye – makes a sucking motion with his mouth when he wants to eat – shakes his head from side to side when he is done with something – points at everything
– loves playing with those toy cars that you pull backwards to make go … we were was amazed how quickly he figured that out
– sleeps through the night (most nights)
– has four teeth
– is incredibly determined
– loves carrying around medicine dispensers
– babbles during car rides
– hates practicing to walk but likes walking around the perimeter of furniture on his own
– is completely aware of all his surroundings + everything that is going on around him. Loves studying things for long periods of time
– likes to stick his fingers through any hole he can find
– never stops moving
– is extremely loved
How wonderful almost 1 already! As for holding food have you tried putting some bits out on his high chair tray and stepping back and watching him to see if e starts playing with it? Could also try a little cup to see if he lifts that to his mouth? It's messy tho but might be worth trying xx
Adorable! So freaking adorable.
This is so sweet. I love this little update 🙂 I can't help you with the eating food himself thing, my little guy didn't do it either and we tried everything. It's just a phase. My Everett is two now and won't take anything from us unless it's something we are sharing off our plate.
Aw he is just so sweet looking. He's the exact same age as my nephew so it's been fun to read these and see the same things in my nephew!
I love the last bullet point. 🙂
♥ Naomi Starry Eyes + Coffee Cups
ohmygoodnness! he has the sweetest and most expressive eyes.
awe look at that cutie! My little man is going to be 1 on June 5, wow how times flies!!!
his eyes. so precious.
Those big eyes are just too much! Seems like he's a pretty smart little guy! 🙂