close calls

May 21, 2013



thursday my phone suddenly started to ring … a few hours prior, camden and i had both started our days at work and it was what seemed to be just another thursday. nothing unusual was supposed to take place, just the usual work things and the usual work schedules.  but on this thursday, as my phone received this call from a not so usual number, i answered to find a not so familiar middle aged man on the other side whose first words were “we found your dog”. i was bewildered. camden and i had, just like any other workday, left kramer at our home, safe and sound, behind locked doors. my first reaction was “our dog?” “um … well what does he look like?”. i seriously thought this was some bizarre prank phone call and i’m pretty sure this man seriously thought i was a complete idiot. “do you have a dog?” he said. “yes, i have a dog” i replied dumbfounded. ok, if this gentleman didn’t think i was crazy before he definitely did now. “we found her running across a very busy street and she appeared to be very frightened” “she is lucky she didn’t get hit!”  – on a bit of a side note here, “everyone” always refers to kramer as a her even after we repeatedly tell “everyone” he is a him whose very him name is kramer. –  still confused i asked “a white fluffy dog?” “you found a white fluffy dog?” “yes” he confirms, now sounding slightly annoyed. “we found a white fluffy dog running across the very busy street” “his collar says kramer and underneath is listed your number for this white fluffy dog!”. now with the confirmation of kramer’s identity taken care of, i began to explain to him why all the earlier confusion of the “do you really have my dog?” stuff. explanations aside and the location of our safe dog in hand, i began to now worry how kramer did escape in the first place and really started to panic that maybe someone had broken into our home and let him out in the process. i called camden and filled him in on the current situation and while doing so suddenly remembered an email i had received from our landlord the night before. in this email our landlord stated that sometime in the coming week, maintenance would be coming around to install our window air-conditioner. i quickly replied reminding him that we had a dog so if he could please let us know what day exactly they would be coming so i could make arrangements for him not to be home. i suddenly started to realize that this was probably the answer to all the strange circumstances now taking place. after my prediction was confirmed and kramer was safely taken home, angry questions began to flood my mind. ‘why hadn’t anyone tried to get kramer back inside?’ ‘what if kramer had died and we had no idea where he was or why he wasn’t at home?’ ‘why hadn’t our landlord made better arrangements with us so none of this had to happen in the first place!?!?’ and then i caught myself. just as quickly as the anger had come, the anger was gone and replaced with this overwhelming feeling of gratitude. grateful that kramer somehow wasn’t hit running across the streets. grateful that someone was watching out and was willing to take the time to rescue kramer from the fast passing cars. grateful that those man’s first words weren’t something like “we found your dog smashed in the middle of the street …” suddenly none of the angry questions seemed to matter. all that mattered was that our family was safe and how grateful for that i was. 

18 thoughts on “close calls

  1. Jade Sheldon

    Wow. I'm so thankful that Kramer wasn't hurt! I couldn't even image how horrifying that kind of phone call would have been.

    You are quicker to forgive that I would be… I would have trouble not laying down the law with those involved!

  2. Flora Amies

    I bet you gave Kramer an extra squeeze when you went to bed. My dog (completely born out of his own stupidity) nearly drowned swimming after a swan in a very deep lake at the weekend. Initially I was so angry that he was in a situation that made my heart beat so fast, but then I was quickly grateful he was OK. I know what you mean about the feeling quickly subsiding. Glad Kramer is home safe.


  3. Kelle

    oh no! so glad he's okay! i have a dog that looks exactly like kramer and people always refer to him as a 'her' too. haha c'mon people!

  4. Anonymous

    Gratitude is good, but if I were you I'd also be having a very serious talk with the landlord to make sure it doesn't happen again. That never should have happened, and it wouldn't have lots of places because the landlords and maintenance people know damn well they'd better take care not to let pets out. Or maybe putting him (the dog, not the landlord, haha) in some kind of enclosure indoors on maintenance days. That's got to be among the worst nightmares of anyone who lives in an apartment with pets, I would be furious if it were me!

  5. bridget anne

    oh, what a terrible thing to have to go through. my heart would have been going a million miles a minute. i too am so happy that he's home safe & sound. so sorry for all the anxiety this must have caused you. i know everything, technically, is OK now…but that kind of fear can just leave you on edge for awhile. take deep breaths, sweetheart!

  6. Jessica Murrie

    You are way more forgiven then I would be! Once one of our friends had left our gate open to the front yard and my dog got out. . I was not very nice about that, my dog is my everything, so if I was in that situation, the landlord would have been the next call!
    So glad he's already 🙂
    xo jess

  7. Meg!

    I'm so glad Kramer is okay! But seriously I'd be so angry that the maintenance guy let him out, I can't believe that happened. So glad it's all resolved though. x

  8. dk

    Uh yeah, I'd be pissed. You said you'd come home to let them in and instead they let themselves in. There are actually laws preventing this from happening. I'd have a talk with your landlord.


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