Category Archives: Wore

i wore this when …

May 14, 2013


i walked to city creek
i walked 7
i walked 2
i walked 6
i walked 4
i walked 5

… to do meet up with camden for an afternoon bite and to do some last minute mother’s day shopping. it has been a summer kind of hot around here really, and i’m not sure i fully approve. what classic utah behavior, to have such quick brisk springs then without any warning …. boom! it’s summer. however, saturday was perfect for a walk to city creek under the big shaded trees where the air stayed a good ten degrees cooler. have i mentioned this is one of my favorite things about living downtown? … all the big leafy trees. i know this may sound a bit strange, having this as one of my favorite features of where we live, but coming from a newly built area with only those little scrawny trees having just been newly planted, it’s really quite refreshing.

i wore: jacket, j.crew // lace sweater, urban outfitters // necklace, pink lemonade c/o // pants, madewell // shoes, blowfish c/o // hat, target // purse, vintage coach

p.s. pink lemonade is offering chalk white arrow readers 20% off their next purchase. enter code “arrow” at checkout. 

i wore this when ….

May 4, 2013


antelope 3
antelope 6
antelope 5
antelope 2

… and it turned out being one of those evening trips where you both forget your brains and it seems nothing goes as planned, ultimately unraveling the two people into absolute grumps (there seems to be a lot of this going around lately). one of those evening trips where you end up heading home a few times after you’ve left to grab forgotten items …  and then when you finally arrive, you remember the park doesn’t take credit cards and you have to go searching for an a.t.m. in a teeny town you know nothing about (and neither does siri apparently) … and then when you finally reach the island the sun has almost set, the bugs are coming out and it’s getting cold … and when you finally leave the island to grab some fast food for the way home they totally botched the order and all goes to _____ (insert your word of choice). we managed to still capture a few pictures i will share later on … still i think we’ll head back next week to try again with our brains back where they should be …. maybe.

i wore: lace dress, sheinside // shirt, thrifted // shorts, target // boots, the paisley pomegranate 

i wore this when …

April 26, 2013


wrong side 2
wrong side o7
wrong side 1
wrong side 3

sunday i was a serious grump … the grumpiest of grumps. really the only explainable reason for my poor attitude was that i must have woken up on the wrong side of the bed, the bad side. yes that invisible side resting somewhere in all of our mattresses, randomly pulling even the most peaceful of sleepers into its crabby abyss, leaving one only with feelings of crankiness and irritability. sadly, however, the longer the day went on the grumpier and moodier i became and to my surprise, even through the thick fog of my ill-humor, the kinder and more patient camden grew. because, i guess camden woke on the right side of our bed? it turns out the only thing that fully cures the symptoms left over from unwilling grumpiness is a sweet husband willing to put up with one’s sour attitude and shower one with love anyway (even if one is completely undeserving of one’s “love showers”). thanks to camden, by sunday night i had fully recovered from the grumps and was able to enjoy the rest of the evening as a normal, civilized, human being. thank you camden!

i wore: jean vest, the result of an old navy jacket gone d.i.y. project // baseball tee, husbands // pants, j brand jeans // shoes, brass plum (old) // purse, vintage coach

i wore this when…

April 17, 2013


we searched
we searched 1
we searched 3
we searched 2

sunday on our way up to park city, we decided to take the “scenic” route in order to see how far spring had made it up the canyon and possibly take a few pictures of the pretty flowers and blooming green leaf buds on the trees. only about two miles up the canyon we realized spring hadn’t really made it very far at all. in fact, by the time we actually reached park city, the air had cooled down to a very crisp thirty nine degrees and my three shirt layering action was no longer keeping me warm. there was actually still large patches of snow covering about fifty percent of the city’s ground. so much for my picture idea …. if this cooler spring means anything, i hope it’s a sign of a cooler summer that is not scorchingly hot? please!?!?

i wore: jean shirt, j.crew // plaid shirt, madewell // printed tee, alexa chung for madewell // pants, madewell // shoes, vintage // camera bag, vintage  

i wore this when ….

April 8, 2013


we had lunch01
we had lunch 02
we had lunch 04

…in the middle of the day. there is this rare thing that happens every great once in a while where camden and i find ourselves with a weekday off together. -and let me just state here that i mean on the same exact day. it’s a strange time in itself that camden and i have the same day off, let alone during the traditional work week. just last week camden and i got to experience exactly one of these days. so what did we do? we met up with a friend to celebrate the only way we knew how on a weekday off around noon, with some delicious food, also known as lunch. can i just say, since i was spoiled with this luxury day, with fabulous lunch, and wonderful company, i’ve been finding myself wishing all days were like this? -and seriously now, shouldn’t they be?

i wore: romper, vintage from @the_moth_closet // jacket, nordstrom // heart pin, // shoes, nordstrom // purse, vintage coach