Category Archives: Wore

i wore this when … or a boring outfit for a tired cold

August 5, 2013


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… camden had his first saturday off from work since i can remember and we both spent it being sick. because there is this “fun” thing about being married called: “when one person gets sick the other is likely to get sick too” … a profound thought, i know. (p.s. this can happen even if the other one is a complete “germaphobe” and washed his hands a billion times). and this cold … it’s a mean one. i’ve been sick for one week and two days and still sadly counting. we are hoping things are going to clear up soon because honestly, our noses can’t take much more

so this is what i wore saturday sick with camden. we didn’t do much but finally dragged our sorry selves out of the house in the evening to get some dinner and run a few errands. also, with all that lying around we had done earlier that day, i wasn’t much in the mood for being any kind of serious, a.k.a. a complete spaz, as the photos above clearly show … colds are too serious a business anyway.

i wore: shirt, madewell // belt, thrifted // pants, j.crew // shoes, nike // purse, vintage coach // hat, biltmore for madewell 

what i love about me {sneak preview}

June 18, 2013


what i like
what i like 2
what i like 1
what i like 3
what i like 6
what i like 4
*a guest post i wrote for chantilly that will be posted over on her blog july 17th

when chantilly asked me to write this post i thought it was such a brilliant idea, but the more i thought about what i would actually say the more stumped i became. it isn’t that there aren’t things about myself i do love but then again, the things i love about me isn’t exactly a topic i usually put a lot of thought into.

like many little girls growing up, i was constantly told all the things i was good at or that i was beautiful or things such as how much i resembled a princess … however, as i grew, i started to compare myself to others and began to let hurtful things said affect who i thought i was, resulting in a lowered self-esteem, and like most of us, started focusing my thoughts on the negative rather than the positive parts of me.

so after considering just asking camden to give me something he loved about me, i finally decided on one thing i do love about myself and that is the ability to easily forgive. i have never been one to hold grudges and have always been able to forgive others whether it be something small and petty or something heavy and relationship threatening. honestly, i have a hard time holding onto grudges even if the other hasn’t apologized. it’s just something that has always come easy, and this friends, is what i love about me.

p.s. you can see more posts in this series, what i love about me, by clicking here and see this post on chanitlly’s blog july 17. 

i wore: shirt, anthropologie // skirt, u.o. // shoes, report // purse, vintage coach 

i wore this when spring turned into summer

June 12, 2013



that day when you no longer need that extra blanket on your bed. that day where the night isn’t much cooler than the day. that day when you are no longer comfortable in layers.  that day where you turn on your window air-conditioner and after four hours the house has only cooled one degree. that day when you start wishing your apartment had central air. that day when the sun shines bright and the clouds are non-existing. it’s on this day you know spring is no more and summer has settled in to stay.

i wore: dress, vintage via @the_moth_closet // lace shirt, vintage // shoes, nina z // purse, vintage coach 

oh … just my new uniform

June 3, 2013


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uniform 1
uniform 03

i’ve been wearing this outfit everywhere lately, mostly because i’ve been short on time and that lazy part of my head that i go to when i’m in a hurry says “how about this one again”. it’s made up of such a random assortment of clothing too … i’m still not really sure how it all came about. the top is the result of a “need to save this shirt d.i.y. project”. it had an unfortunate entanglement with a washing machine that left its sleeves tattered and ruined which i then cut off in order to try and salvage it. i got the flower belt a few years ago when i went through a slight obsession with anything and everything etherial and these pants were the first “too big pants” i altered myself. the hat is one of those hats you find really inexpensively and on sale and at target, and the purse …. well the purse goes with me everywhere as you all know and is vintage coach. and then you have the shoes … a gift from camden and my new very very favorite pair possibly ever. 

i wore this when …

May 29, 2013


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it has been pouring … and i mean pouring all day. at one point a small river of rain started flowing quite rapidly down our street. we had plans to run a few errands and maybe head out for a bite to eat but decided to stay in and get takeout instead. we ran outside for only about five whole minutes to take a few photos before the rain again began to drip, then sprinkle, then pour. for the moment the rain has finally subsided but something tells me a thunder and lightening storm is rolling its way in now.

i wore: sweater, windsor // shorts, j.crew // tights, old // shoes, alexander wang // bracelet, gift // purse, vintage coach