… camden had his first saturday off from work since i can remember and we both spent it being sick. because there is this “fun” thing about being married called: “when one person gets sick the other is likely to get sick too” … a profound thought, i know. (p.s. this can happen even if the other one is a complete “germaphobe” and washed his hands a billion times). and this cold … it’s a mean one. i’ve been sick for one week and two days and still sadly counting. we are hoping things are going to clear up soon because honestly, our noses can’t take much more
so this is what i wore saturday sick with camden. we didn’t do much but finally dragged our sorry selves out of the house in the evening to get some dinner and run a few errands. also, with all that lying around we had done earlier that day, i wasn’t much in the mood for being any kind of serious, a.k.a. a complete spaz, as the photos above clearly show … colds are too serious a business anyway.
i wore: shirt, madewell // belt, thrifted // pants, j.crew // shoes, nike // purse, vintage coach // hat, biltmore for madewell