Category Archives: Wore

real life

July 21, 2014



if you were to bump into me on any given day, you would most likely find me wearing something like this. an easy to nurse oversized top, my very favorite and the absolute best slouchy pants, shoes to match the weather, hair that resembles a mop due to the fact that i haven’t had it cut or colored in almost a year, and sunglasses to help hide the fact that i have forgotten what makeup is. #reallife 🙂

i wore: top, free people // pants, vnda // shoes, hunter // sunglasses, madewell // stroller, uppababy

and after three weeks …

July 10, 2014

Hey Jude / Wore


we have learned that jude …
loves looking at twinkle lights and the lace curtains behind the couch
has dad’s nose, eyes, and big toe and mom’s mouth, hairline, and fingers
likes to snuggle with mom every night before bed and prefers to be burped by dad
still hates being naked and/or bathed
falls asleep on walks and car rides
is very ticklish, especially on his tummy
loves to pee and poop with his diaper off
rarely spits up but when he does it’s monstrous
prefers long sleeves and leggings even in the heat
sucks his fist instead of his thumb
could stare up at the trees for what feels like forever

i wore: skirt, madewell // shirt, nordstrom (mens) // shoes, target // hat, urban outfitters – jude wore: top, gerber onesie // socks, baby gap

week 36, day 253

May 26, 2014


36 weeks - 4
36 weeks - 6
36 weeks - 3
36 weeks - 7
36 weeks - 5
36 weeks - 9
36 weeks -2
36 weeks - 8
36 weeks -1
dress, free people // shirt, anthropologie // pants, gap maternity // shoes, vince // purse, vintage coach // hat, urban outfitters 

five things i will miss about being pregnant:
– feeling little kicks within my tummy throughout the day
– random strangers commenting on how amazing i look (this never happened to me before i was pregnant)
– people offering up their seat in restaurants
– voluntary back rubs from camden
– that special bond between mother and baby that nobody else around yet understands

and … five things i won’t:
– pregnancy clothes
– swollen joints, legs, feet, and ankles
– eliminating certain foods … mostly sushi …. oh how i want some sushi soooo bad!
– moving as slow as a turtle
– feeling incapable of completing certain tasks and projects i want to get done and always relying on others for help

33 weeks and counting

May 1, 2014



i’m just about 33 weeks now … and seriously, it feels like i’ve been pregnant forever. it is actually hard for me to remember what it felt like not to be. it’s still possible baby jude will be born this month … we have no idea though … it could be anytime between now and the next 53 days. it’s just a guessing game really.

we finally ordered the “hey jude” record album. who new it would be so hard to find in good condition and at a reasonable price? definitely not us, but we knew we really wanted to get it before the big day. so find it we did on where else but amazon and it just arrived a few days ago. camden and i have both really enjoyed listening to it and we are really looking forward to sharing it with baby jude when he’s here.