Category Archives: Hey Jude

tales of snot and vacuums

March 2, 2015

Hey Jude


Sickness has struck our household for the first time in a long time. I was beginning to think we were immune to all the winter colds and flus or maybe they had just forgotten to stop by this year. It was as though all those rotten and yucky sicknesses that strike so many ill around the world during the colder months had just decided to skip our house this year, like a trick-or-treater does on Halloween when the’ve decided the chances of someone being home isn’t likely and better they stick to the houses that are guaranteed to be loaded with giant king sized candy bars. Our lights were off and we had most likely gone to some fabulous Halloween party. Only healthy people were invited, by the way. But sadly, no. The charlesworth clan has spent the last few weeks recovering from an attack of a particularly snotty cold. This was Jude’s first sickness. He was surprisingly brave though … much braver than both camden and me. For the most part, he kept his spirits up and tried his best to play as though nothing was the matter. However, his little coughs and sneezes were particularly heartbreaking for us, newbie parents and all. Although, I have to say, I did enjoy all the extra snuggles his sickness brought along … it was as if his cold was saying “Hey, I know i’m infecting your sweet babe with an extra sniffly nose that comes with a side of cough that sounds like a smokers lung, but just to show you I’m not all bad, I’ve brought along my friend snuggles here to ease the blow a little” … pun intended.

This picture was quickly taken mid-vacuum. Kramer, a hater of the vacuum, jumped on the bed to warn the worlds largest fan of vacuums that his trust had been misplaced and it wasn’t to late to turn back should he want too. Kramer, playing the roll of protective brother here, that is to say until the vacuum came too close for comfort, which is when he decided to leave his self-appointed post of loud, large, moving appliance protector and take shelter within his kennel. Still, it was pretty cute. 

two hundred, forty five

February 16, 2015

Hey Jude


hey all you love birds … happy belated valentines!! can you believe, as of yesterday, this kid is eight months old? 

jude at eight months old:
is an amazing army crawler and is sooooo close to regular crawling
is extremely aware of everything
has one tiny bottom tooth that just poked through
plays hard
wakes one-two times a night
sleeps in a crib
wears size two diapers
likes his carseat and the car!
loves pears, pumpkin/butternut squash puree, cinnamon bananas, and apples very best
loves reading books more than anything else
says “uhhh” or “mmmm” when he is calling someone, says “mmmmm” when he eats something he likes, and “bababababababa” for everything else
loves waving at everyone and everything 

juder bug’s room completed

February 5, 2015

Hey Jude / Our Home


besides a few small details, our home is pretty much done being rearranged and changed … including little juder’s new bedroom. we are all really pleased with how it turned out. i may still move a few things around, but for the most part it’s good to go. we kept it really simple, leaving the majority of the space as a play area that we can easily move around in. most of the things we just moved from his old room to his new room, but we added a few things from around the house that jude was really fond of as well as a few new pieces to freshen up the space. i can’t tell you what a relief it is to have this all done … #nomoreprojectsplease 

for jude

January 15, 2015

Hey Jude


we had come to the point in our current home where we were seriously thinking about moving. jude hadn’t been able to sleep in his room because of the cold (the radiator in there is really weak/that room is surrounded by windows) which left him sleeping in the living room and us stuck in our bedroom after seven in the evening afraid of waking him. we were running out of space and making anything to eat with our foot of counter space was seeming more and more impossible by each passing day. we had found the place we wanted to move. it seemed rather perfect really. jude would have his own warm room … there was more storage … more space … a dishwasher {sigh}. we were so close to moving there until, at the last minute we found out they not longer had parking which was kind of a deal breaker. we had been searching online like crazy people and just couldn’t find anything that seemed to fit. that’s when we probably literally lost our minds and decided to do something a little radical. we came to the conclusion that the only way our current place could continue working for us was if we made some drastic changes. we moved jude into what was our bedroom, got rid of our dining room and moved our room there, and jude’s old room is now our closet. we replaced our little island by our chalk board wall with a giant island for more counter space. sort of a catch-22 seeing as we no longer have a dining room … it was seriously chaos in here for a few days. we’ve made progress but there is still a lot of tweaking that needs to be done. our new bedroom needs a little design help, our new closet looks like a store blew up, and jude’s room needs things hung and we are waiting on a rug to cover the floor so he can have some play space. we are going for a sort of oversized studio look so we’ll see how it turns out. on a side note, it’s been really difficult trying to balance being a mom, redoing our home, work, as well as keeping this blog maintained. i love being little juder’s mom and that will always take priority over anything else. motherhood has been so surprising to me in so many ways. it is extremely scary, overwhelming, challenging, and not to mention exhausting, but honestly i never thought i would love it as much as i do. posts should be getting more frequent here again soon so thank you so much for being patient with me while we figure stuff out. sorry for the worlds longest side note … it’s late, my mind is cluttered with fuzzy thoughts after a long day … the end.