we found this dresser at one of my favorite mid-century modern vintage stores that is conveniently located within walking distance of our home. my whole idea with creating and designing our quite petite baby room is not to make, what i would call, a classic baby space. but something rather, that can grow with our child and a place we all want to hang out and be. i think this dresser is perfect for that. it can be used as a changing table/dresser in the beginning then transition with us as our family grows and our needs change. i also like it because i think it’s really gender neutral. we both can see it working for either a boy or a girl. speaking of gender … we find out what we are having on monday. although our preference is neutral, i’m thinking it’s girl and camden’s hunch is that it’s a boy. any guesses before we find out next week?
You have made some perfect purchases there! I love that dresser, and the little wooden cat.
I guess that you're having a girl!
Malt Memories.
such a dreamy dresser!
So beautiful! I'm always impressed by people who can pick out baby pieces that aren't too "babyish". I feel weird making a prediction but I just feel like it might be a boy! 🙂
I also guess you may be having a girl, but who knows! You may have either. Either way I'm sure he or she will be absolutely gorgeous. And I do love that dresser. Definitely for both genders.
And I had no idea you were expecting, congratulations! x
Jes | Naturally Jes
I'm going to guess boy 🙂
Erin, beingerin.com
My guess =it's a boy =)
I am so excited for you guys! I love the idea of keeping things transitional, that dresser is perfect!
My guess is a little boy:)
Leah Faye
a clover and a bee
What a wonderful dresser! Great idea going for something classic and gender neutral! I'm going to guess girl 🙂
green ant?
I do love Green Ant but it can be kind of pricey. The dresser is from Mod A Go Go 🙂
xoxo, Sara
a soft, traditional nursery is so temporary. i'd rather have a playroom.
i thought my baby was a boy from the second the stick was positive, but turns out it's really a she although i guess we'll really find out in april.
That dresser is AWESOME!
that dresser is awesome! I love it! As for my guesses, I always go with a mother's hunch as they end up normally being right. haha.
I'm 29 weeks and already know we're having a boy, but I like keeping things neutral, not just because I love the colors, but to save money for future babies! It just makes sense. So excited to find out what you're having!!
xo kristen genevieve
sunny bloglovin
I love the dresser, and I can't wait to find out! Update us soon 🙂
Such a perfect dresser! Hmmmm, so exciting! I couldn't guess if I tried… maybe a boy!
I love the dresser, and think it's very wise to think ahead. The baby phase, as we're learning, goes by super fast. I think the design of a lot of baby furniture does not keep this in mind and you end up needing something different. We never bought baby furniture other than a crib that converted to a toddler bed, and I'm so thankful for that!
What a wonderful idea! I'm guessing its a boy! 🙂
That is a great dresser you got there. I think baby/infant rooms look best when the are not gender specific. Keep it simple and add touches of fun decor. This way the you can change the room as the child grows older without a lot of fussy. As for the sex of your child, I am not good at guessing so I will say that if it is a boy or girl, the baby will be healthy and happy.
so darling, sara. i've loved the little things you've picked out so far. that mid mod dresser is absolutely stunning and so your style. my guess has been boy for awhile…but i don't know…mama usually seems to be right! so we'll see. : )
I love it. Everything you have there is super cute. Super exciting! My husband and I find out what we are having in about two weeks. : ) Such an exciting time!
what a beauty, what a find!
I'm so happy for you!
hey sara where have you gotten those pretty woodentoys? i am expecting to and looking for nice things for the nursery. since i live in switzerland its not always easy to get special things so i would love if you could tell me where to get it or whats the label! thanks!