this weekend has been quite the stormy one. friday night we took kramer out for his last walk of the evening when it started to rain … and i mean rain. by the time we got home we were all completely soaked even through our “rainproof” jackets we had worn incase of the expected downpour. we wrapped kramer in a towel, lit some candles, and relaxed together on the couch while listening to some of the most perfect music for a rainy friday night. it was honestly one of the best evenings we’ve all had together in a long time. incase it’s been raining wherever you are lately or you just need a good (according to me) playlist, i have included one below … enjoy!
because sometimes it rains … by Sara Charlesworth on Grooveshark
I know exactly what you mean, the sentiment in the little things like getting caught in the rain and good music makes everything perfect.
I'd Rather Stay In Bed
really love the playlist. thanks for this! 🙂
Thanks for sharing your music, love it!
What a perfect playlist !