baby pins

December 3, 2013


baby-trest 1
baby-trest 3
baby-trest 2


so many people have now told me that they knew i was pregnant because of all the extra baby pins i was pinning on pinterest. to be honest, i didn’t realize i was actually doing that many more until it was pointed out only just a few times …

camden and i have debated whether or not to say in our same apartment, it lacking in space, or trying to find somewhere else to move. the decision wasn’t hard really … we love our home and being that we’ve moved every year for the last four years, we just weren’t ready to part with it. we’ve decided to get rid of our office, that is literally about the size of a small walk-in closet and turn it into a baby room. we don’t use our office enough to justify moving to have one and … babies don’t need much space … right? anyway, i have been gathering ideas on pinterest on how to decorate little one’s rooms … which come on, is obviously the most fun part …

above are a few of my favorite baby related pins i’ve recently seen … also, if you’d like, you can follow along on pinterest here.

p.s. thank you to all who commented on our baby announcement the other day. camden and i loved reading every single one. they absolutely made our day … thank you!

links to the above photos: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten

16 thoughts on “baby pins

  1. Catherine Mitchell

    Babies really don't need much at all. It's so easy to go overboard, but all they need are the most simple things. One thing I would certainly recommend though is a nice balm/oil for their skin. Babies live in fluid for 9 months and their delicate skin gets so dry!

    Congratulations again. Enjoy your small home while you can!


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