These photos are great representations of the difference between our morning energy levels. He wakes up bright and early ready to get his move on, I wake up ready to sit in a heap until I can muster up some sort of movement. Jude prefers to spend his mornings, climbing in and out of things, standing up and down, crashing toy cars, banging his maraca while crawling back and forth on the hardwood floors … I however, a little bit slower moving, prefer to lazily make breakfast, lay in bed, sleep. So every morning when I hear the waking babbles of my Juder-bug at the modest hour of 6:00 a.m., I’ll quietly lay in bed with the smallest of hopes that he will again be quiet and find sleep once more even if just for fifteen minutes longer . This morning was different, however. Yes, it was still very early and yes, I did still awake to the sweet morning coos of the baby Jude. But this morning, he distinctly called out “mama?” “mmmmm.” “mamamamama?”. A first word! And a “mama” at that! This morning his “mama” gave me all the energy I could ever need plus more.
oh happy days!! What a clever little man
That is so beautiful and adorable <3 How exciting!
I love these photos! I am not a morning person either!
look at that little pumpkin, what a cutie!!!
So precious!
Must be an amazing feeling.
cuteness overload. this is just presh!