Jude spends the first hour of bedtime working hard too. We’ll hear him trying his hardest to stand up, once he does, next we’ll here a loud “uuuhhhh” over and over until we finally peak our heads in. Then comes this proud smile. I could never be mad at that sweet yet oh so proud face of my baby Jude!
Aww, the cutest smile, and those to die for lashes. I have such eyelash envy right now :]
He may have gotten his eyes from me but those lashes are all his dad. Those Juder baby lashes are seriously longer than my grownup lashes! Life, I tell ya!
Xoxo, Sara
His eyes are so amazing. I could just stare at them for hours!
Thank you, Adele! You're so sweet. Jude says thanks as well 😉
Xoxo, Sara