an almost d.i.y.

May 21, 2013


alomst diy 7
almost diy 2.1
this is probably much too simple to be categorized as an actual d.i.y. project (more of a fun idea really) but love it i do anyway. yes, yes, this is another flower post … i obviously have a love for the things … at least these ones are paper, right? 

you will need

for this project you will need: paper flowers, a clean martinelli’s apple juice bottle, and peanut butter. ^

smother peanut butter

remove all of the paper label (sometimes warm water helps) then smother peanut butter on any leftover sticky residue and let sit for about an hour. ^

clean bottle

after washing off the peanut butter, arrange the paper flowers into the bottle, trimming them if needed,  until you are happy with the way they look. ^

almost diy 4
almosy diy 3.6
almost diy 2

i found my paper flowers here

26 thoughts on “an almost d.i.y.

  1. Emma McCartney

    Lovely idea with the peanut butter! I'm using jam jars for my wedding flowers and have been scraping the glue off with scissors and sand paper! I will definitely be trying this! xx


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