
My name is Sara without an h. I’m a fun-loving brown haired, brown eyed girl living in SLC; but dreaming of life in NYC. I work as a part time personal assistant, full time mom, and blog here in my spare time. My biggest passions are home design and photography. My husband is Camden, a blonde haired, blue eyed hunk and fashion guru who knows everything and anything about bikes and shoes. Our little potato, Jude, was born June 14 2014 and is the love of our lives. A little white haired fluff man, also known as Kramer, is our dog who we love with our three hearts and we four live in the center of the city trying to figure out this little thing called life. This blog is where I try and do just that while sharing my home, family, personal style and design tips + small things and tidbits I pickup along the way. Welcome to the land of Chalk White Arrow.