a little bump-date

April 12, 2014



if you follow me on instagram then you probably already know we had a bit of a scare the other day. tuesday morning i started spotting. i immediately called my doctor who said to come in as soon as possible. it turned out not only was i spotting but i was unknowingly having pretty regular contractions. we were quickly sent to the labor and delivery unit at our hospital where they finally determined i had a placenta abruption. things got really scary for a few moments when they first thought the abruption was a lot worse than it really was and started making arrangements for me to deliver within the next few days at only just over twenty-nine weeks. however a second ultrasound showed that the abruption was a lot smaller than it was originally thought to be. we were still ordered to stay in the hospital for the next twenty-four to forty-eight hours depending on how things went. i was given steroid shots to help develop baby jude’s lungs quicker and medicine to stop the contractions. we were released wednesday evening on pelvic rest … pretty much meaning i don’t have to be on bed rest but still have to take it a lot easier than i have been … no heavy lifting, no exercising, just plain taking it easy. as of now baby jude is still probably going to have to be born early … my doctor currently thinks no later than thirty-six weeks which means i would only have six weeks to go instead of ten. our doctor said that the placenta abruption probably didn’t happen because of anything i or we did or didn’t do, it’s just one of those weird things that can sometimes happen. we have both been a little overwhelmed knowing our baby room is still a mess and we both just really feel so unprepared. it’s now go time … time to hurry and get our butts in gear and prepare for this baby since technically he could be here anytime. on the bright side, baby jude is healthy as ever and at the end of the day that’s all either of us could really ask for. 

25 thoughts on “a little bump-date

  1. Courtney Odle

    I'm glad that post had a happy ending! i know the daunting task of nesting and completing a nursery makes you wanna get up and go… but please take it easy. We want you guys to be safe. so excited to see baby Jude.

  2. Sarah

    Wow, that would be scary! I am glad to hear it wasn't as bad as they originally thought. I hope you don't have anymore problems and all goes smooth for you and baby. <3


  3. devon.

    I know it's scary, but everything will work out splendidly. The babies room may not be ready, but it could be in perfect working order and you wouldn't feel ready yet. Don't fret, dear. When the baby comes, all you need is a set of able arms to hold him, and diapers and blankets for those first few days. Even if he comes before you're ready, you'll be ready. Good vibes.

  4. Sydney

    I'm so glad you went in and got it checked out! Sounds like you need a bunch of good books, movies and a few crossword puzzles and visits to Pinterest mixed in there. Hang in there and take care of yourself, you're doing it for Jude and it's all so worth it! I have a rare arthritis and get bad spells where I have trouble walking (and I'm young 🙁 ) and I spend those times being so creative. It makes me feel worthwhile. Best wishes and hang in there!

  5. Abby Barstow

    Oh that is scary! I'm so sorry! I'm just about 30 weeks and feel so behind and overwhelmed with things. This has inspired me to try to get a move on…just in case. We do have a crib in the nursery, although not much else. Ha. Take it easy dear and enjoy bossing other people around so that you can just lay in bed, you won't get too many chances to do that 😉

    Abby – littlecityadventures.blogspot.com

  6. Stephanie

    Aw I'm so glad all is ok, I can imagine that was really scary for you all. You can feel torn being pregnant sometimes as you're so desperate to meet your little one but at the same time want them to be growing safely till they reach full term. I hope the rest of your pregnancy goes smoothly for you and you're able to take it easy 🙂 xx

  7. Lisa

    I'm so glad to hear everything is okay!! What a scare! Thankfully you are far enough along that everything should turn out fine no matter what happens 🙂 I will be 30 weeks on Wednesday with my first too so I love checking in on you. i had a low lying placenta and was on pelvic rest. they just re-checked me with sono last week and it has moved and is no longer low lying. i had fears of something happening with my placenta too. Good luck finishing up the nursery! 🙂

  8. Anonymous

    Oh my, what a fright! But serously, a baby room? I don´t understand… We didn´t have anything like that until our kid was about 6 months. She slept in our bedroom and played in the livingroom. So what´s the rush? Take it easy, a baby needs nothing but to be close to its parents the first months. Good luck! / Sara

  9. Kelly Ann

    I am glad to hear all is okay! At 29 weeks with my pregnancy I had a shortening cervix and was put on the same type of bed rest, and was also told to prepare for my twins to come early. But somehow we ended up making it to 37 weeks and me being induced two weeks ago! I guess what I am trying to say is there is hope things will end up working out just fine in the end, but even if not, your sweet little Jude will be in good hands I am sure. 🙂 I will be keeping you all in my thoughts!

  10. Heather

    You guys are in my thoughts! My son was born 4 weeks early and everything turned out just fine! He's 16 now!!!! Just take it easy!!!
    btw… Your hair looks amazing in these pics!!!

  11. chelsey meyer

    I was put on pelvic rest at 30 weeks due to crazy amounts of contractions and my cervix opening up with my second. They also thought he wasn't growing – pregnancy can be so scary. But take it easy, eat some ice cream, spend some good quality time with each other now. The baby will come when it's the perfect time and it sounds like you have a great dr and a good support team, so no need to worry! I ended up birthing at 37 weeks and he was small (like my first son) but my placenta showed signs of age (not typically in placentas under 40 weeks) and the baby nurses commented that Hudson looked older than 37 weeks, but my dates were right. We are all different and grown and birth babies differently, there really isn't a "normal". So know that your baby is perfect and is just doing his thing.


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