a bedroom for summer, but mostly just photos of kramer since he will soon be missed

June 22, 2013

Our Home

kramer + bedroom

this is the first year and summer for the both of us that we have had to live without air-conditioning. our bedding situation was driving camden crazy. sleeping in an eighty degree house with a sheet, blanket, and comforter is a bit overwhelming. even though i love sleeping with the heavy weight of the cozy covers on top of me, i knew it was time to change it up. i switched out our darker patterned sheets for cool, white, crisp ones and threw our comforter into storage until next winter. keeping our covers in a neutral, lighter color gives the room a sense that it’s cooler than it really is. i got that brown and cream blanket with the intention of having it cover the entire bed, then layering the cream blanket over top for just a pop of pattern but realized shortly after purchasing it that it was going to be too small so it sadly just barely covers our feet. however, i like that it adds a bit of visual interest to the room, plus kramer has obviously taken a liking to it. i also brought in some paper flowers for our nightstand and finally got around to making ourselves one of my lights. with lighter weight covers mixed with a fan that blows throughout the night, hopefully we can get (and sleep) through this summer alive.

also, i just had to take a few a lot of pictures of the krames since we are leaving him for a few weeks and will miss him to death.

p.s. thank you all for your brilliant ideas and comments on the england post the other day. we are both so thankful and excited to check out some of the things suggested! xoxo

58 thoughts on “a bedroom for summer, but mostly just photos of kramer since he will soon be missed

  1. Christine

    Lovely! I love that with so little elements (that bulb! that bedside table!) you managed to make this room look absolutely stunning. Also love the bed by the windows.

    1. admin Post author

      Thank you Christine. I loved your comment because this is exactly what I was trying to accomplish! I was a bit hesitant putting the bed by the windows at first (not that I had much of a choice since our room is so tiny) but I am happy with the way it turned out. Thank you for you sweet words!!

      xoxo, Sara

    1. admin Post author

      Thank you Juliette … and Kramer thanks you as well! And don't those white sheets make all the difference? Seriously, the tricks we play on our minds … Here is to surviving this summer ac – less together!

      xoxo, Sara

      p.s. The paper flowers are from West Elm πŸ˜‰

  2. Van Nguyen

    Your bedroom looks so cute. I love your nightstand. You're right the patterned throw adds interest. I love your bedroom's atmosphere. Your Krames is so adorbs.

    1. admin Post author

      Thank you! I have had that nightstand for forever and it has been with us through five moves … or is it six now? I always forget. And Kramer is the sweetest, thank you … Have an awesome weekend!

      xoxo, Sara

  3. Kerry

    Oh my goodness, my heart seriously jumped into my throat when I read the title of this post! I thought something happened with Kramer, like health wise, or that you were no longer keeping him, or something tragic like that. Truly, honestly, heart in throat. Apparently I have a deep love for the Krames. I'm sure he'll miss you while you're away but be so happy upon your return. I take care of other people's dogs when they travel (I've got a furry little boy next to me right now missing his mama) and they are SO happy when they come home. You know this, as all doggie owners do πŸ™‚ And yes, of course, love that bedroom re-do. summer-do? πŸ™‚

    1. admin Post author

      Seriously glad too;) One of my deepest fears is Kramer getting ill or suddenly disappearing … We just love the little guy so much and happy to know you do as well ;). And thank you for the reassurance. I've been stressed about leaving him for so long especially because we have never done so (for this length of time) before, but you have somewhat helped my worries subside … Thank you.

      xoxo, Sara

  4. Jade Sheldon

    Love everything about it! The husband and I are the same way: we love the weight of heavy blankets. But it doesn't really make sense in the summer. I'm looking forward to finding something new for us…

  5. Sarah Beth

    Love the new bedroom decor, I wish I had the funds to redecorate my room as much as I want to! And I am so glad to hear that Kramer is just going to be left at home for a time while you're away. From that title, I thought he was going to have to be put down or something!! Phew.


    1. admin Post author

      Thanks Sarah! Seriously if I could I would be constantly redecorating … and yes, Kramer is perfectly fine πŸ˜‰

      xoxo, Sara

  6. Emma Jane

    Your room looks so lovely. It's so clean and bright. I'm moving soon and I cannot wait to redo a new room. I'll be using this for a lot of inspiration. I love those flowers.

    Also your dog is the cutest! Such a sweet little face.

    Em @Tightrope to the Sun

    1. admin Post author

      Thanks Emma! Good luck on moving and let me know how your room turns out!
      Have a good rest of your weekend:)

      xoxo, Sara

  7. Noor

    You are really good at design you should get into that I think you would do great at it. I am from TN but my family moved to Saudi Arabia about 5 years ago and the homes here do not have central heat and air its all the boxed air conditioners. They are nice here but I have hated them so much. What has worked for us is that I bought a down comforter one light for Summer and one thick for winter both on sale at Debenhams on the off season so I got each for cheap and I can change them out for the seasons also it's easy to get a new cover for them anytime and so simple to wash. I know Ikea has a lot as well.

    1. admin Post author

      I know … It's so hot! And nope, no ceiling fan either. We just have a small portable fan we turn on at night. Thank you Sarah!

      xoxo, Sara

  8. Kaitlyn Petry

    Last summer was brutal for me sleeping in our warm apartment and I learned a few tricks. We have a fan in our bedroom pointing at the bed which we leave on at night, and right before bed I would put moisturizer on everywhere I had skin showing and let the fan dry me off! It cooled me right down and I was usually able to get to sleep. This year we purchased a light coverlet for our bed so we don't need a heavier blanket, and we have a little more weight then just the sheets. That helps too. Good luck!

  9. Jasmine Brink-Li

    Your photography always makes me so happy to view! I love that lightbulb. I've always wanted something like that, and white sheets always make such a difference. So fresh in the summer.

    Kramer is adorbz. πŸ˜€

  10. Mandy Ferrugia

    I love how beautiful and simple your bedroom is! It truly looks like a cozy getaway where you can relax and rest. I have so many colors in my room right now, you've inspired me to tone it down and make it lighter. Thank you for sharing these beautiful photos! πŸ™‚

    xo. Mandy

  11. Hannah Hagaman

    Could never get away with no ac living in the heart of Texas but I'm loving all the white! My someday house will be all white, walls, bedding, everything. What camera lens do you use to take such incredible photos??

  12. Hannah Hagaman

    Could never get away with no ac living in the heart of Texas but I'm loving all the white! My someday house will be all white, walls, bedding, everything. What camera lens do you use to get such incredible photos?!
    with love, Hannah

    1. admin Post author

      I could imagine in Texas that would be difficult! I use a Nikon D3200 and most commonly use a Nikon 50mm 1:1.4 G lens and a Nikon 35mm 1:1.8 lens. Thank you Hannah!

      xoxo, Sara


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