these photos really have nothing to do with this post except for to say that they are the way we’ve been feeling for the last six days … in a blur.
you remember our really loud druggy upstair neighbors, right? i mentioned them here if you don’t but … low and behold they moved out last wednesday. camden and i couldn’t have been more excited. we assumed we would have at least one week or two of nobody above us … just pure silence … plus, we figured when we did finally get a new upstairs neighbor the chances were pretty unlikely they would be as ridiculous as the last. oh how we were so, SO wrong and not an hour after the old moved out our six day nightmare snuggled it’s way in.
you would think moving into a new place one would try and make a good impression on your new bunking buddies but theses people and their dog had a completly different take on the whole phrase “won’t you be my neighbor”. they decided it would be a good idea to start moving in around seven at night and finish up around two in the morning. they also thought it sounded good to yell up and down the stairs while doing so, as well as blast their music and stomp on the floors. they were probably the crudest people camden or i have ever met … the kind of people who watched wolf of wall street just one too many times if you know what i mean. however, camden and i decided to give them the benefit of the doubt … “they are just moving in” we said … “maybe they don’t get how clearly we can hear them”. well, the next day came as well as the pounding, constant swearing, constant music blasting, more dog barking, and yelling … yet we didn’t still complain until that night when their dog started barking until two in the morning without stop. let me just say here, if it would have just been the dog barking we would have totally just let them know before we would’ve complained, but seeing how they acted apart from the dog barking we didn’t know how they would really react. well, i guess our landlord had already had several other complaints, given them a few warnings, and decided it was time he kicked them out. seriously … this news was fine with us. however, what wasn’t fine was the way they decided to react to the news that they would be moving out by monday, as well as the fact that they decided to take all their anger out on us. they came home around 1:00 a.m. and started stomping as loud as they could back and forth through their entire apartment all the while yelling and swearing at the top of their lungs just at us, though i’m positive the rest of the building probably heard. we had to sneak out of our apartment to go and get some sleep at my moms house for the next two days. knowing that they were for sure leaving within the next day or two, we weren’t sure if we wanted to call the police thinking it might make them angrier and may cause them to act even more irrational, but looking back on it now, some of me thinks that’s probably what we should have done. they finally moved out yesterday afternoon, a day later than they were supposed to, and don’t worry, they let us know how angry they we were while doing so. so much so in fact, that some people in the adjacent building decided they were fed up with them as well and filed a police report. we are crossing our fingers as hard as we can that all our neighbor problems have officially ended.
it’s definitely a strange thing feeling like you can’t be in your own home and when you are there feeling so stressed and anxious. our home feels full of lingering anxiety and negativity today. as soon as camden comes home we are going to deep clean it while listening to happy music hoping this will help … wish us luck!