This post was sponsored by Who Gives A Crap, the very best recycled toilet paper. I only partner with brands that align with our family’s values and choose to only share with you the products and companies that we love and believe in. All thoughts and opinions below are my own. Thank you for support!
Who Gives A Crap is possibly the best thing to happen to toilet paper since …. well …. EVER. They have taken something that tends to always be boring and have made it fun. And even better, it’s plastic free! Each roll is wrapped in a fully recyclable colorful paper that tells you everything you need to know about what’s inside.
Our package of beautifully colored TP came on maybe the best day possible. I was feeling out of ideas in regards to keeping Jude occupied …. counting down the hours until dad was to come home. Since cutting out TV for Jude (well mostly ….), there have been days where I start to feel overwhelmed trying to think of something else for him to do that will take longer than five minutes. It’s amazing how quickly a four year old can move from one activity to the next. And then …. the doorbell rang. And just like that an unexpected game that lasted most of the afternoon. Who knew that making a toilet paper tower and then knocking it down, over and over again could be so fun. He’s been asking to do it everyday since. In fact, he’s asking me to do it now.
More than being a fun game, and pretty to look at, below are 7 reasons why Who Gives A Crap is the only toilet paper our family will ever purchase.
- 50% of all profits are donated to help build toilets in developing countries.
- Each roll is double the length which means it lasts twice as long. (each box lasts our family of three about five months)
- They offer a subscription service so we never have to worry about running out of toilet paper.
- Who Gives A Crap helps support our low waste home, something we’ve really tired to be extra conscious about this year.
- The only plastic you’ll see is from the small amount of tape holding the shipping box closed.
- As far as sustainable toilet paper goes (we’ve tried several), Who Gives A Crap feels and holds up the best …. it doesn’t fall apart when using it.
- To date they have donated over 1.8 million Australian dollars.
Where do we keep all that toilet paper you ask? Sure living it a tiny home makes finding places for excess anything difficult. But when it comes to running out of TP, stashing a few extra under the bed, a chair, or in the cleaning closet suddenly doesn’t seem like such a big deal.
To find out more about Who Gives A Crap click here and use the code CHALK at checkout for $10 off your first purchase!